Monday, March 27, 2006

Where did I leave off...?

I felt like the time was finally right for me to update my blog. I have so much to share I am not sure where to begin.

I guess the best place to begin is "I QUIT MY JOB!!!!"

After 3 months of praying about my job...I had finally come to the conclusion that I would not quit. In spite of it's bad points, it was a great job for me and my finally. I set my own schedule, I could even work from home and the pay wasn't bad. Much to my surprise, the day after I made this decision...I resigned.

Not what I expected to do on March 21st.

It began with a meeting talking about one thing and led to other discussions and then to eventually me resigning.

Was it a good meeting? No...many tears were shed and even some emotions ran high.

The rest of the day I found myself hosting my own pity party with me being the only guest.

It was a day of reflection, remorse and a lot of prayer.

I went to work the next day with one expectation and left with a twist.

I expected to go and do my job, clean out my desk but instead found myself in another meeting.

I truly experienced God's Word when he tells us that good can come from all things.

The meeting turned an angry heart (mine) into one that could forgive. I won't share details except to say that I truly believe that God was working in that meeting in a big way. I have always been one who needed to be able to always share my honest feelings and I had a chance to do that.

It didn't change my mind about quitting, but it helped to heal relationships that are very important to me.

I never thought that my feelings would take a 180 degree turn so quickly...but I am grateful.

I still need some time to heal...but I am so grateful that I am no longer angry and there isn't a grudge for me to carry.

I can be pretty stubborn, so you don't know what a big deal this is to me. I can carry a grudge.

My head is spinning right now with the possibilities that I can now do.

I can go to the pool more, I can spend more time with me family, I can go away for a weekend, I can write, I can speak, I can visit other services at other churches, I can totally switch ministries. I can stay for one service. I can go to a service. I can sit with my family at church.


The Lord has already given me some ideas....but I won't share them until I know this is from Him.

I have so much more that I want to share...of things that I have experienced in the last couple of weeks.

More to come...
