Saturday, January 15, 2011


We all love a rags to riches story. We love watching ANNIE, we love seeing the underdog rise to success. As a country, we have all felt the warm and fuzzy from the Ted Williams story. I was driving to work at the homeless shelter when I first heard the news. My mind went several places. First...I too found myself caught up in the moment and the "oh our world is not such a bad place afterall" mentality. I began to get excited about how his story will bring the cause of homelessness to the forefront and how can we "capitalize" on this moment for ACCESS. I couldn't get to my office fast enough! I ran to my computer and began writing emails. I wanted to literally "strike while the iron is hot." Here is what I really wanted...I wanted a "Ted Williams moment" for the 48 homeless individuals that live at ACCESS. I wanted them to have their moment on Oprah and Dr. Phil. I wanted them to be discovered and to have their lives changed. I wanted them to be offered a place to live, a job...a second chance. In the last week, I have received more offers to volunteer then I can process. We are having a workday on Monday that is so full, I had to turn people away! I have never done that before! This is exciting...but...there is a but. How long will this last? I hope I am surprised...but I am prepared for the let down. You see...what the women and children of ACCESS need is...YOU...ME...US!

They need for us to come to the realization that our lives are not our own. They need for us to realize that they are hurting and need someone to walk alongside them. They need someone who is willing say "Let me help you...let me walk this journey with you...let me give you what I am able...let me help you bridge the gap...let me be your friend. Notice I did not mention anything spiritual. I truly believe and have seen it play out that what they really need first is to see that you care. I am a huge advocate for relational evangelism.

I am so grateful for the reporter that took time to get to know Ted. I am so grateful that he did not let any judgments or prejudices overshadow his kindness. He simply noticed a person in need and stopped.

So simple...yet so unnatural for us today. I love my job. I love the people that I meet. I love that in the midst of a busy saturday I have the honor of taking a dear homeless woman to lunch for her birthday. I love the fact that she is excited and doesn't care where we go. I love Jesus!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Safety or's a choice!

As I sit here and watch President Obama honor the victims of the shooting,many thoughts go through my mind. I am sad for the fallen and the parents of the young girl who died. I am hopeful for the injured as they make strides in their recovery. I am amazed by the gentleman who tackled the gun man before he could reload. I ask myself...what would I have done? Would I have been bold or selfless enough to take down a gunman...or would I have ran and found a safe place? Would I have thought of myself...forsaking the needs of others? Would I have chosen safety or risk? Each day we make the same choices. Do we stay in our safe and comfortable life...or do we take risks? I vote for risk-taking! I vote for inconveniencing ourselves for others. I vote for living like there's no tomorrow...dancing like no one is watching...and loving like I'll never get hurt. I vote for reaching out like we will never be rejected...for serving like we will never tire and worshipping like it truly matters!

Saturday, January 08, 2011


I know that I have titled several blog posts with that title...but truly...where do I begin.

The last few months have been a series of losts and gains. The biggest lost, of course, was my father. After courageously battling a chronic illness, Jesus called him home on December 6th. An average monday turned into a good-bye. What was suppose to be a day of taking him to rehab, turned into a day of making funeral arrangements. To say that the Lord walked beside us is an UNDERSTATEMENT! He carried us through what could have been a dark and lonely time and turned it into a time of renewal and celebration.

There was something very sacred about sitting at his bedside and awaiting his journey into glory. It was sad...but sacred. Dad did not struggle or gasp...he took his last breath and then fell into the arms of Jesus.

His funeral was truly a celebration of his life. I had the honor of performing the eulogy and it was my pleasure. It was my pleasure to share stories but more share the Gospel and the goodness of Christ. Christ was honored at my dad's funeral!

My dad was a very creative man and I am blessed to have his desire to write and speak. My dad was a dreamer...and so am I. Many times I have tried to re-invent myself and attempt things on my own...but 2011 is different.

I have a dream...and I now have a plan. I have a dream...and I now have accountability. I have a dream...and I know it is from HIM. I am so excited to be part of an amazing group of fellow dreamers. I am thrilled to be part of DREAM YEAR.Not sure what the year will bring...but I do know that I am officially taking the first step of faith. DREAM YEAR comes with a cost. It will cost me time in my office writing, it will probably cost me tears of rejection and frustration. It will cost me financially...but I am taking the next step.

When I received the acceptance to DREAM human mind immediately went to the costs. Worry began to replace excitement. Doubt replaced confidence. Yesterday...God showed me His direction in a very unique and creative way...that only He can do. God affirmed this calling...I am following.