Sunday, July 12, 2015

Expecting The Unexpected ...And Not Believing In Ghosts

For the past 30 years, ACCESS has operated a transitional home for women.  After many years at this location, we moved to a newer home with more rooms.  After the last boxed was moved, I was the last one to leave the house and bid it farewell.

Two days later, as the keys were being returned, the landlord asked why we had left every window open.  I knew very well that this was not the case and could not understand what had happened after I left.  He went on to say that since we had moved out, the police had responded to two 911 calls from this property.  This situation became increasingly strange since all phones had been removed and lines were disconnected.  Everyone's first response was that the house was haunted. 

As one that does not believe in ghosts, I disagreed but acknowledged that if there was some type of "spirit" involved, it was not coming from a good  place and was not someone who had passed on from this earth. 

Unfortunately, one more visit needed to be made to the house before we considered the move complete.  I offered to accompany someone on one condition.  I wanted to enter the house calling out the name of Jesus.

The next day, we arrived at the house and unlocked the door.  As we entered, in the loudest voice possible, I yelled "Jesus is here."  Suddenly a deep voice replied "Come on in."

I froze in my steps and was speechless.. A few seconds later...a .repair man walked by.  It seems that the deep voice was not from a spirit but the maintenance man that arrived minutes earlier.

We all had a good laugh and appreciated the humor in the situation.

Often we go about our day expecting everything to go according to our agenda and plan but seem surprised when life throws a curve ball and changes everything.

 Scripture reminds us in Proverbs:

The heart of man plans his ways,  but the Lord establishes his steps.

Proverbs 16:9

So...commit everything to Him.  He probably has a better and different plan. and you might be surprised on what awaits you. And one more out his name when you are planning or entering a scary house. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Everything I Needed To Know About Being Happy...I Learned From The Homeless


Everyone wants to be happy.  How often do we begin each day hoping that sadness and problems are on the day’s agenda? We read books, listen to talks and seek other resources looking for the key to happiness...but sometimes the biggest lessons in life come from the most unlikely of places.  Working with homeless women and children has brought me many experiences and life lessons.  I just never believed a lesson in how to be happy would be included. 

When I began working at ACCESS Homeless shelter I believed that I would be the one doing the teaching but often the roles are reversed.  Some days I serve the shelter…some days the shelter serves me.  I see the trials homeless women endure on a day to day basis and often wonder how a smile can still exist on their faces.  After many conversations and endless stories, I have learned their secret.  Here is how the homeless have taught me to be happy.

Happy people live in community – At any given time, approximately 19 women and 20 children live at ACCESS.  No matter their past, their present lives look identical…they are all homeless.  Community forms when a common bond exists and that is true in a homeless shelter.  Over meals and program sessions, you will find each woman sharing resources, referrals and opportunities.  Instead of being in competition, they are in community. 

 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.  Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Happy people are content people- When a resident moves into the shelter, they are limited in what they are allowed to bring.  In other words, they are only allowed to bring what can fit in a black garbage bag.  When I see black bags at the entrance to the shelter, I often evaluate my own life and inventory what would be in my bag.  What would I consider a need or a want?  What would I be able to get by with and what would be unnecessary baggage?

 Not that I speak ]from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.  
know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any 
and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
(Philippians 4:11-13)

Happy people have a unique perspective- I remember a client coming to ACCESS after making a tough choice.  Option one was a life of comfort that accompanied danger while option two was to voluntarily become homeless and free from temptation and addiction. We may look at being homeless as a step backward while others see it as a step forward.

"There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death" (Proverbs 14:12)

Happy people allow circumstances to develop character- Poverty hears the word “NO” a lot.  The “NO” can be an interruption that causes you to quit or an inconvenience that causes you to come up with a new plan.  Facing and overcoming an inconvenience forces us to be resourceful and creative.

 Not only so, but wea also rejoice in our sufferings,1 because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope.
 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.creative.(Romans 5:3-5)

Happy people don’t let situations define them- Life comes with ups and downs, highs and lows.  It is up to us to decide which one will be our legacy.  Homeless is who they are now, but not who they will be forever.

 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,1 he is a new creation;2 the old has gone, the new has come!
 (2 Corinthians 5:17)

So…would you like to be happy?  You may just find it in an unlikely place.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What Is Your Mess - timony?

I have often heard the expression..."you can't have a Testimony without a TEST!" It is through life's trials and tests that we see God move. We see Him work and we see Him refine us. Oh don't we wish we could just develop the characters of Christ without the problems, issues and crisis?

I was thinking about this the other day and decided that the word "testimony" didn't work for me anymore. I have certainly grown through the things that God has allowed to happen but I also think I have brought on a lot of "stuff" by my own doing. My own bad choices and decisions have sometimes taken me down a rocky road...but God was always there.

He brings the tests and I bring the MESS. Through God's faithfulness He creates a new me. I call that my MESS - timony!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Late for Worship

Let me know if you can relate to the story I am about to share. Last Sunday, as I prepared for church, I had an agenda...a plan...a schedule. I knew exactly what time I needed to be out the door. If I stayed on schedule, I would have time to stop at the church café and grab coffee before worship. Of course worship would come after I met with the youth pastor about making an announcement regarding a missions trip. If the announcement happened at a precise time, I would be able to spend time in the sanctuary before I had to rush off to a drama meeting. I don't know about you but I am excited just typing this.

As I walked upstairs to the sanctuary, I was juggling a purse, mission trip notes, drama folder and of My hands were so full that a sweet lady grabbed a bulletin for me, placed it on top of my file as she opened the door. I found my seat and almost laughed as I attempted to organize my "stuff" on the chair beside me. The congregation was already singing as I foolishly rustled papers, folders and coffee...oh my.

Finally, half way through the second verse...I began to sing.

Can you relate or am I the only crazy lady at church?

I sat there and it hit me...too many things hindered my worship that day. They weren't necessarily bad things. I love being involved in ministry and serving in the church. In fact, I think we should all find a way to serve the local congregation. We just need to find balance and not let it get in the way of our personal worship. We can only give to others what we have experienced ourselves. Our ministry is an overflow of our worship. You can't serve from a dry well.

What is hindering you today?

I invite you to attend an event for women on this very topic.

Sign up here:

Take time to invest in your relationship with Christ by attending this one day event.

I would love to see you. Let's take this journey together!