Friday, June 16, 2006


AFter a busy week of cleaning and throwing away...we finally had time to sit down and relax. While everyone was inside my grandmother's house...I chose to go out and sit on her front porch all alone. I actually sat in her chair. The chair that is in the exact place that it has been for years. I looked out onto her street and noticed something. Every single house on the street had a front porch. It seems like this is something you rarely see in new homes today. My grandmother would sit on her front porch everyday except in the winter. She would enjoy her beautiful yard. She went sit out and talk to her neighbors. It dawned on me that the porch would never be the same. She would never sit in this chair again. I began to cry at the finality of this. I asked myself...what would I say to her if we could have her back for 5 minutes. I know that this is just a dream, but someday...I will have her for eternity. It's almost 9:00 pm. Guess where I have been for the last hour? Sitting on the front porch of my parent's house. There is something very special about a front porch. It's a place where we all finally slow down and talk. If I ever build a house...I want a front porch.

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