Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Free Hit Counters
Free Hit Counters


That's my motto for fall...LIGHTEN UP. I want to lighten the load in my life. I want to rid myself of the things that weigh me down...and I have a plan. This includes weight, possessions, debt, overscheduling, etc.

It feels so good to "lighten the load." My running has helped me lighten the load in the weight department and it felt so good to take several bags to the community center yesterday. As I was leaving...a lady immediately took a table that I had left and told me how she was going to use it. I didn't need it...but she did.

I am also selling a lot of things on ebay. This includes everything from clothes to household items.

I will keep you posted on how "operation lighten up" goes.

I am excited about the weekend.

We are going to a Russian Wedding on saturday and also a re-commitment ceremony on the same day.

We leave for Charleston on Sunday to pick up some items that we were given from my grandmother's estate.

I am really excited about receiving the swing that sat on her front porch for as long as I can remember.

Many great times were had on that front porch. The saddest being the day that we were out there discussing her funeral.

I think the lost is really starting to set in with many of us. Just this week I found myself wanting to call her and see how she was doing. I know how she is doing. GREAT!!!She's hanging out with Jesus.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


I am currently in my 6th week of training. I can run 13 minutes. I have also found that it is getting harder for me to feel motivated to run.

I saw this picture and it suddenly mad me feel motivated to run.


Sunday, August 20, 2006


We have spent most of the weekend at a soccer tournament in Hudson. Today we had a game at 8:00 am church at 9:30 and another game at 11:00. What a pain sitting at the game in a skirt, but I am so thankful that the timing worked out and we were able to do the games and a church. What a struggle it is sometimes when sports are on a Sunday. Wally and I are also careful to make sure that sports never overshadows our commitments on Sunday morning. I told the coach that we were leaving for church and that we would be back in plenty of time. This even opened up the door to talk to him and other families about our church.

I had 2 interesting observations during our weekend of soccer.

1) During halftime I overheard the referee thanking the parents for their positive behavior and for "sharing their children with him." I was really moved by his taking the time to encourage parents and his attitude about his job. It is also sad that before each season, we, as parents, have to listen to the coach remind us to always be positive. He also reminded us of the consequences of yelling negative comments at your child and referee. I have seen both...and it is so sad to see and hear.

2) As I was walking around I heard a player who was playing for the team that was currently in last place. He yelled..."Now let's go out there and become the second worst team in the tournament." Give that kid a klondike bar.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Tonight we are hosting a campout for 14 boys (ages are 8-11). We are combining Austin and Alex's birthday and having one big blowout. We are hoping for clear skies because we are sleeping in tents. We will also be cooking hot dogs outside, smore's and hopefully a treasure hunt. I can't belive how much work and money it takes to plan a birthday party!!!

Maybe I'll post some pictures tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Today is the annual visit to have the girls photographed. Not Ashley and Ally...but lefty and righty. Yes today is my MAMMOGRAM!!!!

I have to have a sense of humor about today or I would be scared to death. I dread this day so much. My mom is 10 year breast cancer survivor so it is important that I go every year.

I think I might take my MP3 player with me this year and see if I could listen to some music to ease the pain.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Last Friday I met my parents and my sister in Amish Country for lunch. I was telling my Dad that we were going to Browns stadium that night to watch the Browns practice. He mentioned how he wish he had known because he would have packed and spent the weekend in Cleveland. Then he said something that shocked me. He said.."Let's go anyway". So they decided to come home with me and stay the weekend. They went to the mall and bought a few items that would get them through the weekend. We were even able to have a prescription filled for my Dad. When my other sister heard of the plans, she decided to be spontaneous and come down as well.

Being Spontateous is fun!!!

We ended up having a great weekend!

I am not a football fan at all, but I really enjoyed the evening. We watched the team practice, we ate $1 hot dogs, and I became a Browns fan that night. I even have a favorite player. TED WASHINGTON. Ted is 6'4 365 pounds. He is 38 years old. He is HUGE!!! I loved watching him block, tackle and run. He is very intimidating. If he ever quits football, he would definately have a future in children's ministry. No one would ever tell him NO!

Have a great day and be spontaneous.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


The other day I took Austin out for lunch for his birthday. He was allowed to order anything he wanted and any size milkshake his little 10 year old heart desired. Later, 2 men and 4 little girls came in and sat down behind us. We were sitting so close that you could easily hear their conversation. I almost laughed out loud when I heard expressions like the following from the dads. " cannot eat the paper, cannot take your shoes and socks off in public... I am assuming that this was a special father and daughter outing. The little girls ranged in age from 2 to 5. Once everyone settled in at their table...I almost cried when I heard the following conversation between the dads and their daughters. "You are so are my little are so special to me sweetheart." I thought to myself...what great men. They are using their time to invest in their daughters. They are showing them, at a young age, how they should be treated by men. They have set the bar high for their little girls. I wanted to go over and say something to them...but I didn't. They were both a great example of how dads need to treat their daughters. Then it made me think...what should I be saying to my sons. I want them to become the ones at steak and shake.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


10 years ago today...we welcomed a bouncing baby boy into our family...Austin walter Trachsel. Austin was named after my grandfather and his dad and grandfather.

He was born at the Air Force Academy Hospital and cost Wally and I $13.00

It is so interesting having a baby at at Military Installation. The Hospital is just like any other hospital. You have to settle your bill before you check out. I spent more at the movies today then I did at the Hospital.

Austin has his annual breakfast in bed. We went to a birthday lunch and a movie.

Austin brings so much joy to our life. He has a real love for sports, has a wonderful sense of humor and has even caught the eye of a little girl across the street. I think it is the new highlights he has in his hair.

My prayer is that Austin grows into a man that loves the Lord, a man that loves his family and a man that will follow Christ no matter what the cost.

We love you Austin and look forward to many many birthdays.