Wednesday, August 30, 2006


That's my motto for fall...LIGHTEN UP. I want to lighten the load in my life. I want to rid myself of the things that weigh me down...and I have a plan. This includes weight, possessions, debt, overscheduling, etc.

It feels so good to "lighten the load." My running has helped me lighten the load in the weight department and it felt so good to take several bags to the community center yesterday. As I was leaving...a lady immediately took a table that I had left and told me how she was going to use it. I didn't need it...but she did.

I am also selling a lot of things on ebay. This includes everything from clothes to household items.

I will keep you posted on how "operation lighten up" goes.

I am excited about the weekend.

We are going to a Russian Wedding on saturday and also a re-commitment ceremony on the same day.

We leave for Charleston on Sunday to pick up some items that we were given from my grandmother's estate.

I am really excited about receiving the swing that sat on her front porch for as long as I can remember.

Many great times were had on that front porch. The saddest being the day that we were out there discussing her funeral.

I think the lost is really starting to set in with many of us. Just this week I found myself wanting to call her and see how she was doing. I know how she is doing. GREAT!!!She's hanging out with Jesus.


Angie Marino Smith said...

Joy, I love ebay, I love throwing out stuff, I love doing nothing, I love not overbooking myself...but girl-why in the world were you bloging at 5:45AM?

No really, you of all people need to slow down...I'm glad your life is being "lightened"

Unknown said...

My new back to school schedule has me putting children on buses at 6:30 am, 7:00 am and 8:30 am. Sometimes I log in betweenn