Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


On monday, I was teaching 8th grade science. It was a pretty typical day until half way through. There is a young boy that I have had in class many many times in the last 2 years. I always noticed that the other kids never socialized with him and were always saying mean and negative things to him. Monday was no different. The kids were teasing him and he looked at them and said "Maybe I should do what that kid in Cleveland did." The class went silent. The response from the other students quickly turned to their desire to run and report this to the principal. Not for their safety...but for another chance to taunt this kid. I took the boy into the hallway and I didn't see angerand fear in his eyes...I saw sadness and frustration. He apologized and explained to me that he didn't not mean what he said and actually felt remorse for his statement. The mom in me wanted to take this young man and give him a big hug...but I would never do that. I wanted him to know that he was special and loved. We returned to the class and the students began mocking the incident...I had enough...and decided it was time to put down the science work and talk about respect. I asked them when did it become okay to disrespect each other. One student responded by saying..."respect never existed here." How sad. One of the students told the boy who made the cleveland comment "it's like you don't even matter." I made this 8th grade girl apologize to this young man. I felt like I was working with 1st graders. I know she didn't mean it...but I wanted to show him that I cared about him and that he could count on me. So what do we do? We pray. I am committed to praying for this young man. I can't wait to see what God can do in this situation. I did report the incident to the administration.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


That scripture keeps going through my mind today. Today I have learned the importance of words. Words can tear you down and words can build you up. I experienced the "tearing down" today. I have the next 2 1/2 hours to myself. I am home alone. No one is asking for a drink, a ride or a snack. I would usually turn on the t.v.'s to keep me company as I clean. For the next 2 1/2 hours...I want to experience stillness and quiet. I want to hear from God. I'll let you know how it goes.