Tuesday, October 02, 2007


That scripture keeps going through my mind today. Today I have learned the importance of words. Words can tear you down and words can build you up. I experienced the "tearing down" today. I have the next 2 1/2 hours to myself. I am home alone. No one is asking for a drink, a ride or a snack. I would usually turn on the t.v.'s to keep me company as I clean. For the next 2 1/2 hours...I want to experience stillness and quiet. I want to hear from God. I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Angie Marino Smith said...

well, let me just "lift you up"...you are the most wonderful mom that I know, you adore your kids, support them in all that they do-well, unless it is wrong...you attend as many games, meets, band concerts...that you can. When you are "into" something you put your whole heart, mind & soul into it(no matter what it is)! You are funny, really, REALLY funny! I love hanging out with you because you make me see the funny things in life...should I go on?
Don't believe the "tear down" messages Joy, God knows your heart & loves you...so na na na to the one that tried to get you down. :)