Saturday, April 26, 2008


I have started writing this entry several times. Each time I think I know what to say...I stop. I can't seem to find the words to express how excited I am about an opportunity that God has brought my way. I am going to be part of a speaking team with some wonderful, incredible, Godly women. Head over to and check it out for yourself. I am overwhelmed with God's blessing and overjoyed by the sisterhood of these wonderful women. I will share more as everything comes together. If your group or if you know anyone who is looking for a speaker, please pass this website on to them.

1 comment:

Leah Adams said...


Welcome to the STMM speaking team. I am only a week or so "older" than you in the team, but I'm majorly excited and feeling more than a tiny bit overwhelmed. There are some awesome ladies on this team and I'm just a redneck from the mountains of N. GA. Hope to eventually meet you and the rest of the team.
