Monday, August 04, 2008


If anyone is hungry head to Ashley's. The kids and I drove to erie and spent sunday evening in a fun hotel. We spent all day cooking and freezing food for Ashley. For those of you who know me well...know how much I hate to cook. You will find chinese containers and pizza boxes in my recycling bin each week. I hate to cook...but love AShley and want to do whatever I can to make her stay at medical school easier.

Here is her menu:

Baked Oatmeal
chocolate cookies
banana bread
Sloppy Joes
Chicken Burritos
Pot Roast with vegetables
Chicken Divan
Cranberry Chicken
Buttered Noodles

I am tired...and I am not cooking for awhile!

Hello Papa John's

1 comment:

Ash said...

Thanks, Mom! I appreciate it so much, especially since I know cooking is not your favorite. :) The roast beef was good last night. Thanks, again. I love you! ~Ash