Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Head over to Rocks In My Dryer and check out the great tips today. Here is one from me. Everyday I have a "to do list". I love checking tasks off the list. I am going to try and do something different. I will still have a "to do list" but I am also going to add a new column...a "to be" list. Today I need to go to a speaking engagement, the post office and a football game. I also want "to be" more patient today, I want "to be" giving today and I want "to be" in prayer today. What is on your "to do" and your "to be" list?


Alissa said...

So smart! It is too easy to get caught up and sometimes we need that reminder just to be...

I am definitely going to add this to my list as I am a list maker also.

Anonymous said...

What a great tip. I know I forget to work on my character sometimes and this is a great way to keep it as a constant reminder.