Thursday, October 23, 2008


I am so excited!!!!A few months ago I had an idea for a girl's conference for girls 3rd through 6th grade and their moms. I continued to pray about this and began to outline what the conference would look like. On a whim I decided to propose the idea to an organization and so far the answer is yes. I am meeting with the leadership team on Monday. If you can remember to pray for us that would be great. This would take place Spring of '09. The name of the conference is

GIRL MATTERS...because girls matter.


Alene said...

Love it!!! I remember you sharing this. I'll be praying. Pumped for you.

Unknown said...

Hi Joy:
What a meaningful idea. I would like to know where the conference will be. Near Hudson, I hope. What a ministry!
Thanks for thinking of young girls and their future,

the voice of melody said...

I love the name! You're right: girls matter.

It's my first time here but I'm enjoying reading some of your older posts too.

Many sweet blessings!