Tuesday, January 06, 2009


I have been working on organizing a seminar for girls 4th-6th grade. It's called GIRL MATTERS...because girls matter. I picked the title because I am so saddened by the things that seem to "matter" to girls. Being popular, being skinny, being liked, being picked, etc. I can so remember what it was like to be a young girl struggling with the above issues. I can actually remember being a woman and stuggling with a few as well. What matters to me?

My relationship with Christ
My family
My friends
Being kind to a stranger
things that have eternal value

I am thinking about doing a series on my blog on "girl matters".

What matters to you ladies?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hi Joy,
This sounds great! Of course these things are near and dear to my heart with 2 of my girls in that age range. My heart is often aching for them! Thank you for using your talents and gifts to reach out. Congratulations on the position at HCC! I'm am thrilled for you and our church that gets to have you. Blessings!