Saturday, March 28, 2009


As I continue to recruit people to volunteer with children, the word hero keeps going through my mind. Kids needs a hero and that hero is Jesus. I want them to be some child's hero. The one that shares Christ with them.

It made me realize who my hero was. I was six years old and I believe her name was Marilyn. She was my VBS teacher and she told me about Jesus in terms that a six year old could understand. That day I gave my six year old heart to Jesus. She was the hero that lead me to Jesus.

I feel compelled to try and find her today and tell her thank you. I will blog about my journey as I try to track her down. Who was the hero that lead you to Christ? Have you told them thank you? Join me in this journey. Share with me as you find the one who introduced you to our greatest hero.

Gotta go...I have some investigating to do.

Friday, March 27, 2009


I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. . . . My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:14,27).

It seems like a lifetime ago that my children were babies. One has moved out of the house, one is about to learn to drive, one is entering the "precious" teenage years and the baby of the bunch is no longer dependant on his parents as much. I remember when I would drop them off in the church nursery and walk away to the service. Sometimes as we were about to pick them up I could hear their cry even before I entered the room. I knew it was their cry and not the cries of the other infants. Why? I had heard it so many times that I was accustomed to their unique sound. My ear was trained to be able to identify their specific cry. Last week at church I was speaking to a mom and she told me that she needed to cut our conversation short because she could hear her baby crying. It amazed me since we were standing many many feet away from the nursery. She knew her child's cry.

Do you ever feel like you don't hear from God? Maybe He is speaking to you but you don't recognize His voice. Maybe His voice is being muffled by the world, by Satan or even your own voice. Learn to recognize God's voice. He knows your's.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Meet our new son

We have officially sponsored a compassion child. The newest member of our family is
Enqeri Noe Gaba Nenquemo. He lives in our heart and in Ecuador. Enqeri is 6 years old and I wish I could show you a picture. I just finished writing him a letter and telling him how much we love him and how we will be praying for him. It is so exciting to know that we are connected to a child who lives thousands of miles away. My prayer is that I get a chance to meet him next year when we hopefully visit Ecuador. If you have the resources to sponsor a child, do it today. Click on my compassion link and make a difference in the life of a child. I will be blessed.


There’s a fun game show on television called cash cab. A person enters a cab thinking they will be receiving a ride from point a to point b but are surprised when they realize they have an opportunity to earn money on the trip. The driver asks them questions as they drive and if answered correctly the cash value goes up and up. The other day I was driving my son and his friend home and we began talking about a popular singing artist. We talked about the lyrics of her song and whether or not it was appropriate. Let’s just say we had differing views. I listened to this young man as he justified why this song was “good” . He supported his opinion with the ways of the world. I was able to support by opinion with scripture. Our conversations lead to an opportunity for me to share some Biblical truths with this young man. We laughed that he had just taken a ride in the “Virtue Van” instead of the “cash cab”. It made me realize a few things. First, we need to take advantage of every opportunity to share the love of Christ with someone. Secondly, we need to always be prepared to share and support what we believe. Scripture tells us that we always need to be ready “to give an account.” Are you seizing every opportunity to share Christ? Are you being creative in finding ways to begin a spiritual conversation? I have a new appreciation for the many hours that I spend carpooling. Pray for me as I awake each day and start the engine to the “virtue van”.

Lord, thank you for the opportunity to share with others throughout our day. May we never become too busy to stop and proclaim who you are. Prepare each one of us to represent you in our every day lives.