I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. . . . My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:14,27).
It seems like a lifetime ago that my children were babies. One has moved out of the house, one is about to learn to drive, one is entering the "precious" teenage years and the baby of the bunch is no longer dependant on his parents as much. I remember when I would drop them off in the church nursery and walk away to the service. Sometimes as we were about to pick them up I could hear their cry even before I entered the room. I knew it was their cry and not the cries of the other infants. Why? I had heard it so many times that I was accustomed to their unique sound. My ear was trained to be able to identify their specific cry. Last week at church I was speaking to a mom and she told me that she needed to cut our conversation short because she could hear her baby crying. It amazed me since we were standing many many feet away from the nursery. She knew her child's cry.
Do you ever feel like you don't hear from God? Maybe He is speaking to you but you don't recognize His voice. Maybe His voice is being muffled by the world, by Satan or even your own voice. Learn to recognize God's voice. He knows your's.
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