Today is Austin's birthday. It's hard to focus on a celebration when you have a loved one in ICU...but we are trying to make it a special day.
The girls are making Austin and a cake and we will shop for a gift later today. For are thirteen things that I want to say to my son:
1- The most important relationship that you will ever have in your life is the one with the Lord. When that one is is everything else.
2- You look much cuter when your underwear is not visible from the top of your shorts or jeans
3- A good rule of thumb is that your hair should never be longer (or prettier) than your mother's
4- Save that first kiss
5- Always be a dreamer. Always know that you can do or be anything if God (not man) has called you to be
6- Just a reminder of that first kiss thing
7- I will never forget the night you were born. We were driving as fast as we could to the Air Force Academy hospital in the wee hours of the morning. Some airman tried to get us to stop and show our military i.d.'s. When he saw a women huffing and puffing in the car and pointing to her belly...he let us through with a military escort.
8- Your favorite yellow "ducky" is packed away in the basement if you ever need it
9- Did I mention something about your first kiss?
10 - You are loved more than you will ever know
11- Smile...a lot.
12- Slash is a great guitarist...but not a good role model.
13 - We love you and are very proud of you!!!!
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