Thursday, December 10, 2009


I was thinking today about a book that I read this summer. The author of the book would go on a personal retreat twice a year. On this retreat she would focus on what the Lord was calling her to do. She would spend time in the Word and time talking to God. She would free herself of any distractions by going away to a hotel for a night. She took a personal retreat for herself. Wouldn't this be great? I often find that when I have my house to myself that I am so distracted by laundry, t.v., computer,etc...that there is no way I could discipline myself to leave all that alone and focus on the Lord. I would love to go to a hotel...but with money tight...this is not an option. So...God gave me an idea.

Here it is and I am praying that four women take me up on this offer.

Pick a saturday in 2010 and come to my home. I will have my basement cleaned and prepped for you to have your own personal retreat. I will have various books available for you to read if you would like. Arrive about 9:00 am. Coffee and pastries will be waiting for you in the basement. (it is cozy and warm). Lights will be low and inspirational music will be available. Just bring your Bible. I will have a journal ready for you to journal how the Lord speaks to you. Around noon, I will bring you lunch and pray with you for a short time. After lunch you can continue with your personal retreat or take a nap if you would like. Around 4:00 pm I will join you for prayer and then I will take you to dinner. I want to hear how the Lord spoke to you during this time.

The house will be quiet. This will be your time to escape from the distractions of life and spend time with your Lord.

This is FREE!!!I truly hope you will take me up on this offer.

Wouldn't it be great if four women said yes...and then they did this for four more women.

So...what are you waiting for? Which Saturday will I see you?

1 comment:

Ash said...

great idea mom!!