Friday, January 29, 2010

Cross or the Crowd

I am a work in progress. Theologians call it sanctification...I call it molding, shaping, pruning...and it will continue until I am with Jesus. I feel lately that God has been really asking me to carefully examine how I spend my time. This process has even effected my blogging and facebook time. My time looking and reading hasn't decreased...but my writing has. Everytime I go to post something on facebook, I hear a little voice say is that necessary. My friend Leigh posted something about this and I think she truly "hit the nail on the head." Sometimes when I am with people that I communicate with on facebook, it seems we have nothing new to discuss. It has already been talked about on the internet. I will go to blog and I begin typing, then I find myself deleting what I wrote.

The other day I was at a Christian school and I saw a sign that said "Follow the cross or the crowd." I just stopped and stared. Four big words..."cross or the crowd." When I am tempting to gossip...cross or crowd? When I am not patient or loving...cross or crowd? When I won't stand up for my beliefs...cross or crowd?

When I neglect God for other things...cross or crowd? How about you? What are you following? Cross or crowd?

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