In two days couples will be expressing their love for each other with flowers, candy and other material ways.'s almost valentine's day. I remember when we would celebrate this holiday in elementary school. We would decorate our boxes and address our scooby do or batman valentines. We would walk around the room despositing our sentiments in each other's boxes. Truth be probably meant more to us girls then the boys. Our hearts melted as we would open a valentine from a boy that we liked. We took what the card said at face value. Our grade school hearts believed that he really did love us and we were his valentine.
Fast forward....
It's three days before Valentine's day at the high school. Roses are sold in order for admirer's to express their "love" to another student. Classes are interrupted as roses are delivered. Hearts flutter as the rose is given to them...someone thinks I am special goes through their mind.
But...what about the other girls?
What about the girls who leave school without a rose? Thoughts enter their mind like "why doesn't someone love me enough to send a rose" "what is wrong with me?" "I must be too fat...too ugly...not good enough for a rose." Insecurities takeover and they begin to convince themselves that the above is true. They begin to seek attention elsewhere...dangerous places and thoughts that are not pleasing to God."
How do we combat this? How do we tell them that they are special. That they were bought with a high price. That they have a Father who loves them with an everlasting love.
A just a rose! like no other. Cling to Him young ladies...let Him write your love story.
Last weekend I was helping my girls with their Valentine cards, etc for school. Those memories came back to me as well. I don't remember much from those elementary days of Valentines..but High school I remember very well. When I wasn't dating, I could remember all the bouquets of roses coming into school, usually for those most popular girls. I can remember thinking "wow, I realllly wish someone would bring me flowers" When I was dating my husband, I'm pretty sure I left hints for him to send me flowers to school..It was more about being seen as cool and loved. He did send them...and of course, it doesn't change anything. Now as an adult and married for 10 years we become more die! lol..I'd much rather have a rose bush to plant and then see the flowers each year. Although my kitchen table could use a nice centerpiece right about now ;-)
We need to remember that true love doesn't exist in flowers, but in the Father!
Excellent post Joy! So so true....
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