Saturday, April 24, 2010


Conviction can come in a suttle way or a huge slap in the face. Lately I feel like conviction has come to me like a 2x4 to the head.

Here is what I am feeling right now. My name is Joy Trachsel and I have a fear of brokenness. (Hello Joy) Let me explain.

I think of myself as a somewhat compassionate person...but who have I been fooling. Yes...I will listen to your story...shake my head as I am saddened by your words and then offer you a lazy..."I am sorry to hear that...but I'll pray for you." I realize that sometimes brokenness in others scares me. I think it is because I am afraid that one...I can't help may want me to help you and I am either too busy...too afraid or not confident in my abilities. Or three...I just don't want to have to take time to get involved in something that may stretch me, sadden me or make me realize the hurts in others. Sometimes it is much easier for me to donate to a cause then to be part of the cause. I truly believe this is why God has me at ACCESS.

I have heard stories from clients that make you want to shout out to God WHY? Sometimes I hear their stories and I want to go to my office...shut the door and escape. No...this can't be my response. I know that I can't save any of them. I know that only He has the power to change their lives...but I know one thing. (remember that 2x4 I mentioned) He has called each of us to be His hands, feet and voice.

What am I trying to say....I..We...need to uncover the brokeness in our world, our city, and yes...ourselves.

Funding is needed for many causes...but I do believe that we can do more. I believe we can put aside our to do lists...and make time for the broken people of our lives.

I am reminded that scripture tells us to go to Judea, Samaria and Jerusaleum. Where is your Judea?

Here is my challenge to myself. Someone has come into my life that I know struggles...this person loves a yellow purse that I carry. We joke about my purse all the time. Problem....I love my purse as well. I feel like I need to do something as small as give her my purse. Why do I struggle with this? Pride...materialism...the list goes on.

Okay...this week...Purse needs to be gone.

I'll let you know how the purse saga goes. In the end...I know that God always wins

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