Friday, November 05, 2010


Title says it was one of those days.

It was one of those days that almost made me quit my job at the shelter. There wasn't anything wrong with my boss...I adore her. It wasn't anything with a co-worker...they are wonderful. It wasn't anything about the amount of work that I is manageable. It was about a tears. I have often shared how there have been times in my life that I struggled with broken people. I have shared how it is sometimes hard for me to be around people who are hurting and the helpless feeling I get. My desire to help them is larger than my ability. At was just easier to cover it up and walk away.

I was about to leave the building when I ran into a the tears. One voice inside me said smile and keep don't do well in these situations. The other voice said...stop...take time to hear her hurts and let ME lead you. I listened to the second voice and sat down with this precious mother of three teenage boys. A mom who is desperately seeking a blessing, a miracle...just a break. She shared her story with me and just paused...waiting for my response. SILENCE!!!!What do I say? I can't offer her a home...I can't offer her money...I am not sure how to offer her hope. All that I said was this "He brought you this far...He is not going to let you down!" (Hmmm....think I will cross stich that on a pillow and give as Christmas gifts). She began to cry and uttered these words..."You're right...I forgot about what He has done for me!" Oh dear sister...haven't we all. She began to cry again...tears of joy, hope and peace. I then gave her the good news that she had been adopted for Thanksgiving...more tears came...then I told her she had been adopted for Christmas...more this point I almost needed to grab a mop.

I am glad that the Lord spoke and directed my path. He wasn't telling me to QUIT my job...just QUIT doubting where He has placed me.

So today is a new day. I hope today...a mop is needed!

1 comment:

One Woman's Thoughts said...

Thank you for sharing a touching moment in your life.