Friday, July 11, 2014

Our Father’s Arms

Everyone loves a wedding…especially when the bride is your daughter. We have so many wonderful memories from that special day. Spending time with family and friends. Decorating with mason jars, tissue flowers and lights. Watching my three younger children “toast” their sister and new husband. (they actually used a toaster and made toast). The list could go on and on, but one of my favorite memories is that of the flower girl. Let me explain. At the rehearsal dinner, a cute and precious preschooler stole our hearts with her Hollywood sunglasses and fashionable outfit. She practiced her flower girl role with perfection and continued her cuteness at the dinner that followed. Several hours before the wedding, we received notice that the flower girl was not cooperating and refusing to wear her “itchy” dress. Our disappointment was soon replaced with the realization that she was a young child and all that we could do was “wait and see.” An hour later, we received an update that that the dress was on but mom was still unsure of her child’s cooperation. As I walked down the aisle to take my place, I did not know if the procession would include a flower girl or not. As I watched the attendants proceed down the aisle, I saw no sign of our darling flower girl. After a short pause, I saw the most adorable and precious sight…our flower girl. With a smile that melt the hearts of every guest, she fluttered down the aisle and paved the way for the bride. My first thought…what did it take to change her mind? Was it the promise of a toy, candy or some other token bribe? I suddenly turned and saw what was making it easy for her to walk down the aisle in front of hundreds of strangers…HER DADDY! Standing at the end of the aisle, knelt to her level and his arms opened wide was her father. Experiencing something that was once scary and uncomfortable for this child, now seemed safe and doable because of her dad. Her eyes were focused on the one that loved her deeply…and that is all that she saw. At the end of the aisle, this proud father, scooped up his precious daughter and held her tightly. He praised her for a job well done and never let her down. Some days, when life seems hard and impossible, I think about this little flower girl. She kept her eyes on the one that could get her through. We have that same father. His name is Jesus.

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