It's Christmas Eve and I have already received the greatest gift that one can ever receive. It wasn't wasn't bought at a wasn't purchased was given to me by someone who loves me more than I will ever know. God gave me the greatest gift tonight...He gave me an opportunity to be His hands...His feet...His voice.
It all started when we attended a beautiful Christmas Eve service. The church was packed and I found myself wondering how many were there because it was Christmas. How many came to please a spouse, a grandma or another loved one. How many only enter the church on special holidays. Then my mind wondered to their hearts. Do they know what they are missing? Do they truly understand who Jesus is and what He did? Then...God spoke to me. It was very specific. God asked me tonight to love on people who need love. Strangers who I do not know and may never see again. He gave me the idea to go and buy four hot chocolates and find people in charleston who need a hot drink, some food and Him.
We went to a gas station and picked up the four hot chocolates and two sandwiches. My mom suggested that we go to one place but I felt like God was to Washington Street. We prayed and found ourselves driving down washington street. We offered hot chocolate to one man and he said no. We drove a little further and offered food and drink to another couple and they also declined. Ashley then suggested that we park the car and walk up to people in hopes that this would be a little less intimidating.
We parked by a hospital and began our journey. The first man we came to on the street was very excited to accept the food and drink. Our attention then turned to a couple that was waiting for a bus. We offered them the sandwiches and drink. They were so excited. Ashley and I began talking to them and asked why they were waiting for a bus this late at night. She explained to us that she had spiked a high fever and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. After being treated and in the ER for several hours, she was released and they were trying to get home. They lived about 15 to 20 miles away and were waiting for a bus that would connect them to another bus and then another. God spoke again and said. Offer them a not be afraid. So...I asked them if they would trust us to take them home. They accepted and gladly got in the car with us. I was a little worried about my mom as she sat in the car and watched all of this taking place...but she loves like no one loves. She gives like no one else that I know.
We drove with Francis and Richard for about a thirty minute drive. We learned that they were engaged and planned to marry in a few months. We asked them about their faith and both had accepted Christ in their lives. Richard shared with us some concerns He had about some decisions He had made in his life and God's forgiveness. Soon the ride was over and we were able to drop them off near their home. They thanked us for blessing them on this special night...but truly...we were the ones that were blessed.
God is so amazing! I am so glad that he chose me, my mom and Ashley on Christmas Eve to experience this blessing. The pastor talked tonight about the innkeeper and how even though the inn was full...he was able to give what he had.
We were definately able to fill a phyiscal need tonight for Francis and Richard...but God filled a spiritual need in us. He showed us tonight how we can be used if we just listen. He showed me that He is still the God of miracles and will allow us to be on the journey if we make ourselves available. He showed us tonight that they are people in the world who are hurting, who are alone and who need to hear about Him.
I am so humbled that the creator of the universe allowed three women to partner with Him tonight in ministry.
We gave a little...He gave all. I try to come down from this experience...I am so grateful that Lord willing tomorrow we will awake to open gifts under the tree...but I have already received my Christmas gift...Francis and Richard.
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring...except me who drank too much coffee the night before!
Sitting here in my childhood home this morning in West Virginia. Everyone else is sleeping...except me. I joke that it's the coffee...but I truly feel it is the Lord giving me some needed quiet time with Him.
I was thinking about the statement "Twas the night before Christmas and...." The statement could be finished in different ways by so many different people.
Here are a few that I believe are going through the minds of my family and friends.
Twas the night before Christmas and...
- I am thinking about reconnecting with family
- I will be getting married in a few days
- someone I love is really sick
- almost done with chemo
- the house will soon be filled with loved ones and laughter
In is often "the night before something"
I was reminded of something recently as I watched the adult choir sing at our church last sunday. The narrator shared how Mary knew she had been given a great carry Jesus. She knew that she had found favor with God and He had blessed her. Scripture says that Mary and Joseph then had to go to Bethelehem. What? She is pregnant...almost ready to deliver a baby...and she now has to ride on a donkey. Life was interrupted...or inconvenienced. Can you relate?
Yesterday a quick trip to target turned into a three hour trip. I sat in my van for an hour just waiting to pull out of my parking spot. was interrupted...inconvenient...and at times humorous. I called my family and told them if I wasn't home by Christmas to go ahead and open presents without me.
Mary endured and a great blessing followed for her and for us. Jesus was born!
Here is how I want to finish this sentence...
"Twas the night before Christmas and....I am blessed"
Life has been interrupted this week by a few inconvenient and trying moments...but Jesus was born.
The Lord has blessed me in so many ways just in the last three was so unexpected that my youngest son assured me that I was being "punked."
No...I wasn't punked...I was blessed.
So...Twas the night before Christmas...and I am going back to sleep.
Sitting here in my childhood home this morning in West Virginia. Everyone else is sleeping...except me. I joke that it's the coffee...but I truly feel it is the Lord giving me some needed quiet time with Him.
I was thinking about the statement "Twas the night before Christmas and...." The statement could be finished in different ways by so many different people.
Here are a few that I believe are going through the minds of my family and friends.
Twas the night before Christmas and...
- I am thinking about reconnecting with family
- I will be getting married in a few days
- someone I love is really sick
- almost done with chemo
- the house will soon be filled with loved ones and laughter
In is often "the night before something"
I was reminded of something recently as I watched the adult choir sing at our church last sunday. The narrator shared how Mary knew she had been given a great carry Jesus. She knew that she had found favor with God and He had blessed her. Scripture says that Mary and Joseph then had to go to Bethelehem. What? She is pregnant...almost ready to deliver a baby...and she now has to ride on a donkey. Life was interrupted...or inconvenienced. Can you relate?
Yesterday a quick trip to target turned into a three hour trip. I sat in my van for an hour just waiting to pull out of my parking spot. was interrupted...inconvenient...and at times humorous. I called my family and told them if I wasn't home by Christmas to go ahead and open presents without me.
Mary endured and a great blessing followed for her and for us. Jesus was born!
Here is how I want to finish this sentence...
"Twas the night before Christmas and....I am blessed"
Life has been interrupted this week by a few inconvenient and trying moments...but Jesus was born.
The Lord has blessed me in so many ways just in the last three was so unexpected that my youngest son assured me that I was being "punked."
No...I wasn't punked...I was blessed.
So...Twas the night before Christmas...and I am going back to sleep.
Friday, December 18, 2009
So I had today off...substitute teachers rarely work the day before a break. I was excited to have a day to myself to finish up Christmas preparations and enjoy a quiet house. Then it dawned on me...Alex had a class Christmas party today. I told myself that I really should try to go and help with the party. But what about my free day? What about all the projects that I wanted to work a quiet house. I told Alex that I would see him at his party later and guess what? He told me I didn't have to come. He actually encouraged me not to come. First I was quietly offended. Did he not want me there? Was he scared that I would embarass him or wear a tacky Christmas sweater? Then I felt a wave of relief come over me. Actually...I felt mom guilt escape my body. I counted this evening that I have probably been to over 75 class parties. Here's the math:
4 parties a year for 7 years equals 28 parties from kindergarten to 6th grade.
28 parties times 4 children equals...112 parties.I estimate that I have attended and brought something to at least 3/4's of the 75 is a conservative estimate. Today...I skipped number 76! Did I feel guilty...for a moment.
Don't get me wrong...I think that it is very important to be actively involved in your child's class...but out of want...not guilt.
I spent part of my free time in target today surrounded by moms who looked stressed, anxious and at times mad. There wasn't a single mom smiling. Each had a lengthy list and took great enjoyment in checking things off. This actually made me sad until I turned the corner...literally and figuratively. There, in front of me, was a special needs class shopping with their teachers. Guess what? They were smiling, they were having fun, they had the Christmas spirit, they were full of joy.I just sat and watched them. They smiled, they laughed...they enjoyed Christmas.
Today also reminded me that sometimes Christmas isn't always the "happiest time of the year." I know a family who will celebrate Christmas this year without their son. He was only in his 20's and died this year. I know that many families will be celebrating a "leaner" Christmas because of job loss. I know that some families will have an extra seat at the table because of a feud or argument.
We receive cards and Christmas letters in the mail from families that seem to have "it all." We look at their Norman Rockwell family and want what they have.
We may question God and be envious of what seems like a "perfect life."
A friend recently told me about a speaker that spoke at her church and she shared that "pain is pain." Your pain may not seem as monumental as your neighbor's...but pain is pain.
It's hard sometimes to be open and vulnerable with people and let them see that we are experiencing hardships as well. It's especially hard this time of year when we are striving to have the perfect tree, the perfect gift and the perfect Christmas.'s been a hard month for me. Doors have closed that I truly wanted to open. I've been told no much more than I desired. Today...I was angry...I was angry at God. I called out to Him with tears desiring answers and explanations. I wanted to be the people in the cards and on the commercials. I wasn't...but I don't think God is really concerned right now whether I am happy...He wants me to be faithful and obedient...and right now...that seems impossible.
So what do I do? I don't run to Dairy Queen (yes, I almost did) I run to His word...I run to wise counsel...but I don't run from him.
Today...I am glad that I skipped party number 76...there will be least 4 more.
4 parties a year for 7 years equals 28 parties from kindergarten to 6th grade.
28 parties times 4 children equals...112 parties.I estimate that I have attended and brought something to at least 3/4's of the 75 is a conservative estimate. Today...I skipped number 76! Did I feel guilty...for a moment.
Don't get me wrong...I think that it is very important to be actively involved in your child's class...but out of want...not guilt.
I spent part of my free time in target today surrounded by moms who looked stressed, anxious and at times mad. There wasn't a single mom smiling. Each had a lengthy list and took great enjoyment in checking things off. This actually made me sad until I turned the corner...literally and figuratively. There, in front of me, was a special needs class shopping with their teachers. Guess what? They were smiling, they were having fun, they had the Christmas spirit, they were full of joy.I just sat and watched them. They smiled, they laughed...they enjoyed Christmas.
Today also reminded me that sometimes Christmas isn't always the "happiest time of the year." I know a family who will celebrate Christmas this year without their son. He was only in his 20's and died this year. I know that many families will be celebrating a "leaner" Christmas because of job loss. I know that some families will have an extra seat at the table because of a feud or argument.
We receive cards and Christmas letters in the mail from families that seem to have "it all." We look at their Norman Rockwell family and want what they have.
We may question God and be envious of what seems like a "perfect life."
A friend recently told me about a speaker that spoke at her church and she shared that "pain is pain." Your pain may not seem as monumental as your neighbor's...but pain is pain.
It's hard sometimes to be open and vulnerable with people and let them see that we are experiencing hardships as well. It's especially hard this time of year when we are striving to have the perfect tree, the perfect gift and the perfect Christmas.'s been a hard month for me. Doors have closed that I truly wanted to open. I've been told no much more than I desired. Today...I was angry...I was angry at God. I called out to Him with tears desiring answers and explanations. I wanted to be the people in the cards and on the commercials. I wasn't...but I don't think God is really concerned right now whether I am happy...He wants me to be faithful and obedient...and right now...that seems impossible.
So what do I do? I don't run to Dairy Queen (yes, I almost did) I run to His word...I run to wise counsel...but I don't run from him.
Today...I am glad that I skipped party number 76...there will be least 4 more.
Monday, December 14, 2009
for my birthday I posted a list of 45 things that I wanted to do. Here is an update:
1. bake something from scratch
2. grow a new type of flower
3. pay for someone's order at McDonalds - DONE
4. give our turtles away to a science class
5. speak somewhere that requires me to fly
6. read Crazy Love- READING IT NOW
7. tell a restaurant employee how much I appreciated their service - DONE
8. buy a really great pair of high heels at an amazing cheap price
9. run a mile
10. teach my dog a trick
11. fix a really large homemade dinner on a sunday afternoon
12. make a fancy dessert that I can't pronounce
13. watch Casablanca
14. lead someone to Christ - DONE
15. wash wally's car
16. leave a gospel tract with a waiter
17. heal a relationship that is strained in my life at the moment
18. try pilates
19. try to understand football
20. write to a missionary
21. flat iron my hair
22. reach out to a neighbor - DONE
23. download a song to my Ipod by myself
24. build a snowman
25. hike without complaining
26. make a video blog
27. speak without being paid
28. buy and eat a school lunch - DONE
29. enourage my pastors
30. read Dreamgiver again
31. read a John Pyper sermon
32. give bottled water to our sanitation workers
33. experiment with eyeliner - SORT OF
34. play games on a saturday night with my family
35. write a personal Psalm
36. fast for a day
37. try a new perfume
38. use a large amount of coupons on a grocery shopping trip
39. be silent for one day
40. thank the mail carrier
41. watch Gone With The Wind
42. babysit someone's child for free
43. make a homemade card
44. have ice cream for dinner
45. don't pressure myself in doing any of the above...but always add to the list.
1. bake something from scratch
2. grow a new type of flower
3. pay for someone's order at McDonalds - DONE
4. give our turtles away to a science class
5. speak somewhere that requires me to fly
6. read Crazy Love- READING IT NOW
7. tell a restaurant employee how much I appreciated their service - DONE
8. buy a really great pair of high heels at an amazing cheap price
9. run a mile
10. teach my dog a trick
11. fix a really large homemade dinner on a sunday afternoon
12. make a fancy dessert that I can't pronounce
13. watch Casablanca
14. lead someone to Christ - DONE
15. wash wally's car
16. leave a gospel tract with a waiter
17. heal a relationship that is strained in my life at the moment
18. try pilates
19. try to understand football
20. write to a missionary
21. flat iron my hair
22. reach out to a neighbor - DONE
23. download a song to my Ipod by myself
24. build a snowman
25. hike without complaining
26. make a video blog
27. speak without being paid
28. buy and eat a school lunch - DONE
29. enourage my pastors
30. read Dreamgiver again
31. read a John Pyper sermon
32. give bottled water to our sanitation workers
33. experiment with eyeliner - SORT OF
34. play games on a saturday night with my family
35. write a personal Psalm
36. fast for a day
37. try a new perfume
38. use a large amount of coupons on a grocery shopping trip
39. be silent for one day
40. thank the mail carrier
41. watch Gone With The Wind
42. babysit someone's child for free
43. make a homemade card
44. have ice cream for dinner
45. don't pressure myself in doing any of the above...but always add to the list.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I was thinking today about a book that I read this summer. The author of the book would go on a personal retreat twice a year. On this retreat she would focus on what the Lord was calling her to do. She would spend time in the Word and time talking to God. She would free herself of any distractions by going away to a hotel for a night. She took a personal retreat for herself. Wouldn't this be great? I often find that when I have my house to myself that I am so distracted by laundry, t.v., computer,etc...that there is no way I could discipline myself to leave all that alone and focus on the Lord. I would love to go to a hotel...but with money tight...this is not an option. So...God gave me an idea.
Here it is and I am praying that four women take me up on this offer.
Pick a saturday in 2010 and come to my home. I will have my basement cleaned and prepped for you to have your own personal retreat. I will have various books available for you to read if you would like. Arrive about 9:00 am. Coffee and pastries will be waiting for you in the basement. (it is cozy and warm). Lights will be low and inspirational music will be available. Just bring your Bible. I will have a journal ready for you to journal how the Lord speaks to you. Around noon, I will bring you lunch and pray with you for a short time. After lunch you can continue with your personal retreat or take a nap if you would like. Around 4:00 pm I will join you for prayer and then I will take you to dinner. I want to hear how the Lord spoke to you during this time.
The house will be quiet. This will be your time to escape from the distractions of life and spend time with your Lord.
This is FREE!!!I truly hope you will take me up on this offer.
Wouldn't it be great if four women said yes...and then they did this for four more women.
So...what are you waiting for? Which Saturday will I see you?
Here it is and I am praying that four women take me up on this offer.
Pick a saturday in 2010 and come to my home. I will have my basement cleaned and prepped for you to have your own personal retreat. I will have various books available for you to read if you would like. Arrive about 9:00 am. Coffee and pastries will be waiting for you in the basement. (it is cozy and warm). Lights will be low and inspirational music will be available. Just bring your Bible. I will have a journal ready for you to journal how the Lord speaks to you. Around noon, I will bring you lunch and pray with you for a short time. After lunch you can continue with your personal retreat or take a nap if you would like. Around 4:00 pm I will join you for prayer and then I will take you to dinner. I want to hear how the Lord spoke to you during this time.
The house will be quiet. This will be your time to escape from the distractions of life and spend time with your Lord.
This is FREE!!!I truly hope you will take me up on this offer.
Wouldn't it be great if four women said yes...and then they did this for four more women.
So...what are you waiting for? Which Saturday will I see you?
Friday, November 27, 2009
It's the day after Thanksgiving here in Chicago. Yesterday our day was filled with lots of family, lots of food, and lots of fun. We cooked, we laughed, we ate, we watched old family slides and we spent time together. The house was full of people laughing, dogs barking and many people talking. There was noise...and it was good. is quiet. Family members have went home, children are still sleeping, dogs are on a is quiet...and it is good.
I am reminded in these moments that in the stillness...God is there.
Stillness is peaceful...stillness is needed...and today...stillness is temporary. In a few moments...dogs will return...children will awake...but I can still have stillness.
Throughout a busy and loud day, we can still find stillness with God. He never moves, and He never becomes too busy.
Take a little time today and let Him say to you "Be still and know that I am God".
Gotta go...the dogs just returned. is quiet. Family members have went home, children are still sleeping, dogs are on a is quiet...and it is good.
I am reminded in these moments that in the stillness...God is there.
Stillness is peaceful...stillness is needed...and today...stillness is temporary. In a few moments...dogs will return...children will awake...but I can still have stillness.
Throughout a busy and loud day, we can still find stillness with God. He never moves, and He never becomes too busy.
Take a little time today and let Him say to you "Be still and know that I am God".
Gotta go...the dogs just returned.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Last night was a memorable night for Alex. An avid sports fan, he had the chance to be a part of the Cavs game last night. He was chosen to go on the court and make a tunnel for the players. I wasn't able to go, but I can visualize how this went down.
The children form a tunnel anticipating the arrival of some of sports greatest athletes...Lebron James and Shaquille O'Neal. Music is playing and fans are cheering as the athletes run through the tunnel "high fiving" young boys with a dream of being on the same court someday. I can't imagain the view from where the boys were. Standing no more then five feet tall...and seeing uniformed players run past you standing almost two feet above their shoulders. They are focused on the game ahead and probably not on the young boys with dreams in their eyes. They "high five" each star strucked young boy and prepare to battle with the opposing team.
Alex then told me how they were allowed to sit on the side of the court for a short time. He said Lebron sat on the bench and they caught his attention when they pretended to "bow down" to him. Lebron laughed and for a short moment...there was a bond.
Can I just stop and say that I am happy that Alex had this experience. I do not know much about Lebron...but I do know that he loves kids. I know that he also has a job to the game. Am I upset that Alex and his buddies were "bowing down" to Lebron? No! I know Alex's heart...I know they were not truly worshipping Lebron.
It was all in fun and jest. Thanks Lebron for making this evening special for a young boy who loves the game.
Now my real point....
Lebron is sometimes known as "KING JAMES" here in Cleveland. Let's compare the king to the king.
Alex was thrilled to be able to touch the hand of Lebron last night. Honestly...I would love to shake his hand as well and meet the talented man...but...I yearn to touch the hands of Jesus more. I am reminded of what power came to people in the scriptures when they were able to just touch the "cloak" of Jesus. I also know the power that comes when Jesus "touches me" with His love...His mercy...His grace.
Bowing down....there will be a day when we will all bend out knee to Jesus. I realize that I need to "bow" before Him now...and everyday.
So...who is your King...mine is off the court.
The children form a tunnel anticipating the arrival of some of sports greatest athletes...Lebron James and Shaquille O'Neal. Music is playing and fans are cheering as the athletes run through the tunnel "high fiving" young boys with a dream of being on the same court someday. I can't imagain the view from where the boys were. Standing no more then five feet tall...and seeing uniformed players run past you standing almost two feet above their shoulders. They are focused on the game ahead and probably not on the young boys with dreams in their eyes. They "high five" each star strucked young boy and prepare to battle with the opposing team.
Alex then told me how they were allowed to sit on the side of the court for a short time. He said Lebron sat on the bench and they caught his attention when they pretended to "bow down" to him. Lebron laughed and for a short moment...there was a bond.
Can I just stop and say that I am happy that Alex had this experience. I do not know much about Lebron...but I do know that he loves kids. I know that he also has a job to the game. Am I upset that Alex and his buddies were "bowing down" to Lebron? No! I know Alex's heart...I know they were not truly worshipping Lebron.
It was all in fun and jest. Thanks Lebron for making this evening special for a young boy who loves the game.
Now my real point....
Lebron is sometimes known as "KING JAMES" here in Cleveland. Let's compare the king to the king.
Alex was thrilled to be able to touch the hand of Lebron last night. Honestly...I would love to shake his hand as well and meet the talented man...but...I yearn to touch the hands of Jesus more. I am reminded of what power came to people in the scriptures when they were able to just touch the "cloak" of Jesus. I also know the power that comes when Jesus "touches me" with His love...His mercy...His grace.
Bowing down....there will be a day when we will all bend out knee to Jesus. I realize that I need to "bow" before Him now...and everyday.
So...who is your King...mine is off the court.
Monday, November 16, 2009

In honor of Ally's birthday here are 16 things that I love about her:
1) Love that you love fashion and watching Project Runway with me..."Carry on"
2) Love that you are creative
3) Love that you have a Sensitive spirit
4) Love that you are 16 and have still saved that first kiss
5) Love that you have a childlike spirit
6) Love that you gave your heart to Jesus at a young age
7) Love that on your Christmas list last year was a bible
8) Love that I can trust you when you shop that you will always pick out modest clothing
9) Love that you still play the violin
10)Love that you will ask my opinion on whether or not an outfit is appropriate
11)Love that you will hang out with us on a friday or saturday night
12)Love that you enjoy spending time with your older sister
13)Love your decorating advice
14)Love that you sometimes still call me mommy
15)Love that you smile often
16)Just love you for who you are!!
Happy Sweet Sixteen!!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
This morning is a time when I truly needed to hear from God. I needed Him to take away pain...I needed Him to be the mighty comforter...I needed Him to be the Abba father, the one who is sufficient.
I went to grab my Bible and it wasn't where it usually I grabbed my son's.
I asked God to reveal himself to me and guide me through His word. He led me to Isaiah 55. I do not cry easily...but I cried as I read His promises.
They are:
"Is anyone thirsty?...come and drink
"Come to me...listen and you will find life.
"I will give you all the unfailing love I promised to David"
Why? Because I have made you glorious"
He reminded me that"
His thoughts are not my thoughts...His ways are HIGHER than the earth.
Thank you God!
Comfort us today!
I went to grab my Bible and it wasn't where it usually I grabbed my son's.
I asked God to reveal himself to me and guide me through His word. He led me to Isaiah 55. I do not cry easily...but I cried as I read His promises.
They are:
"Is anyone thirsty?...come and drink
"Come to me...listen and you will find life.
"I will give you all the unfailing love I promised to David"
Why? Because I have made you glorious"
He reminded me that"
His thoughts are not my thoughts...His ways are HIGHER than the earth.
Thank you God!
Comfort us today!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I remember as a little girl spending many hours with my grandmother at her restaurant. She ran a restaurant for many years and was a savy business woman. She had many people who were regulars. They loved her food, her hospitality and her straightforward answer to any question.
I loved it when my grandmother would give me duties at the restaurant. When I was six I would stand on a box and run the cash register. If she gave me a duty it meant that she either trusted me or thought she could teach me. Each was a honor.
Last night I stood in amazement of what God can do if we trust Him and if He finds us teachable.
Last night...I felt like I partnered with God. Last night...He allowed me to be His voice...His hands and His feet.
Hope Community Church in Hudson, Ohio does an outreach event every year called Judgement House. It is a walk-thru drama. At the end of the drama goers sit down with counselors and talk about the drama. The gospel is clearly presented and an opportunity to give your life to the Lord is given.
It was fun partnering with my best friend Sandie in this endeavor. We had the honor and privledge to lead four people to the Lord. What a blessing. Once they left...we even did a victory dance. Not a pretty sight for everyone in the room...but we didn't care. We danced!!!!
Tonight is another night. Tonight we will be in place when they come through the doors. Tonight we partner again with God...tonight...I hope we dance.
I loved it when my grandmother would give me duties at the restaurant. When I was six I would stand on a box and run the cash register. If she gave me a duty it meant that she either trusted me or thought she could teach me. Each was a honor.
Last night I stood in amazement of what God can do if we trust Him and if He finds us teachable.
Last night...I felt like I partnered with God. Last night...He allowed me to be His voice...His hands and His feet.
Hope Community Church in Hudson, Ohio does an outreach event every year called Judgement House. It is a walk-thru drama. At the end of the drama goers sit down with counselors and talk about the drama. The gospel is clearly presented and an opportunity to give your life to the Lord is given.
It was fun partnering with my best friend Sandie in this endeavor. We had the honor and privledge to lead four people to the Lord. What a blessing. Once they left...we even did a victory dance. Not a pretty sight for everyone in the room...but we didn't care. We danced!!!!
Tonight is another night. Tonight we will be in place when they come through the doors. Tonight we partner again with God...tonight...I hope we dance.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
About a month ago I had a chance to spend time with two wonderful ladies at a retreat. Angie and Jen are friends and amazing worship leaders. They were sharing with me how their lives had been "simplified" and how freeing that had become.
God began to remind me that this is what is needed in all areas of our lives. That really all that we need is Him...Simply Him. I then had an idea for a women's event.
Not a retreat....but an experience. A night away from everyday responsibilities. A weekend to experience Jesus in an intimate way.
The best way for me to describe this is "women's retreat unplugged."
Why not make this all about Him. No committees, no icebreakers, no gift bags, no giveaways...just Jesus.
No breakout sessions, no pre-made journals, no plannned activities...just Him.
I love all of the stuff mentioned above...don't get me wrong. I am just craving an organic, deep time with just other women, and Jesus.
January 8th and 9th Hope Community Church's Women's Ministry presents:
Carlisle Inn, Sugarcreek, Ohio
All you need is you, toothbrush and your bible.
Can't wait!!
God began to remind me that this is what is needed in all areas of our lives. That really all that we need is Him...Simply Him. I then had an idea for a women's event.
Not a retreat....but an experience. A night away from everyday responsibilities. A weekend to experience Jesus in an intimate way.
The best way for me to describe this is "women's retreat unplugged."
Why not make this all about Him. No committees, no icebreakers, no gift bags, no giveaways...just Jesus.
No breakout sessions, no pre-made journals, no plannned activities...just Him.
I love all of the stuff mentioned above...don't get me wrong. I am just craving an organic, deep time with just other women, and Jesus.
January 8th and 9th Hope Community Church's Women's Ministry presents:
Carlisle Inn, Sugarcreek, Ohio
All you need is you, toothbrush and your bible.
Can't wait!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
It seems natural that on one's birthday that you look back on the year.
That lasted about one minute with me and then I began to look ahead.
What would I like to accomplish in my 45th year of life.
There is the obvious..lose weight...exercise my Bible more, etc...but I wanted to get specific. So here are 45 things that I want to do in year 45. You may become bored after reading the first three. That's okay...
1. bake something from scratch
2. grow a new type of flower
3. pay for someone's order at McDonalds
4. give our turtles away to a science class
5. speak somewhere that requires me to fly
6. read Crazy Love
7. tell a restaurant employee how much I appreciated their service
8. buy a really great pair of high heels at an amazing cheap price
9. run a mile
10. teach my dog a trick
11. fix a really large homemade dinner on a sunday afternoon
12. make a fancy dessert that I can't pronounce
13. watch Casablanca
14. lead someone to Christ
15. wash wally's car
16. leave a gospel tract with a waiter
17. heal a relationship that is strained in my life at the moment
18. try pilates
19. try to understand football
20. write to a missionary
21. flat iron my hair
22. reach out to a neighbor
23. download a song to my Ipod by myself
24. build a snowman
25. hike without complaining
26. make a video blog
27. speak without being paid
28. buy and eat a school lunch
29. enourage my pastors
30. read Dreamgiver again
31. read a John Pyper sermon
32. give bottled water to our sanitation workers
33. experiment with eyeliner
34. play games on a saturday night with my family
35. write a personal Psalm
36. fast for a day
37. try a new perfume
38. use a large amount of coupons on a grocery shopping trip
39. be silent for one day
40. thank the mail carrier
41. watch Gone With The Wind
42. babysit someone's child for free
43. make a homemade card
44. have ice cream for dinner
45. don't pressure myself in doing any of the above...but always add to the list.
That lasted about one minute with me and then I began to look ahead.
What would I like to accomplish in my 45th year of life.
There is the obvious..lose weight...exercise my Bible more, etc...but I wanted to get specific. So here are 45 things that I want to do in year 45. You may become bored after reading the first three. That's okay...
1. bake something from scratch
2. grow a new type of flower
3. pay for someone's order at McDonalds
4. give our turtles away to a science class
5. speak somewhere that requires me to fly
6. read Crazy Love
7. tell a restaurant employee how much I appreciated their service
8. buy a really great pair of high heels at an amazing cheap price
9. run a mile
10. teach my dog a trick
11. fix a really large homemade dinner on a sunday afternoon
12. make a fancy dessert that I can't pronounce
13. watch Casablanca
14. lead someone to Christ
15. wash wally's car
16. leave a gospel tract with a waiter
17. heal a relationship that is strained in my life at the moment
18. try pilates
19. try to understand football
20. write to a missionary
21. flat iron my hair
22. reach out to a neighbor
23. download a song to my Ipod by myself
24. build a snowman
25. hike without complaining
26. make a video blog
27. speak without being paid
28. buy and eat a school lunch
29. enourage my pastors
30. read Dreamgiver again
31. read a John Pyper sermon
32. give bottled water to our sanitation workers
33. experiment with eyeliner
34. play games on a saturday night with my family
35. write a personal Psalm
36. fast for a day
37. try a new perfume
38. use a large amount of coupons on a grocery shopping trip
39. be silent for one day
40. thank the mail carrier
41. watch Gone With The Wind
42. babysit someone's child for free
43. make a homemade card
44. have ice cream for dinner
45. don't pressure myself in doing any of the above...but always add to the list.
Sunday, October 04, 2009

Meet Ashley and Ally
One loves to likes to flip
One loves enjoys science
One loves having her hair, nails and makeup hates it
One has a heart for missions, inner city is still discovering her passion
One lives in lives upstairs
One wears prefers heels
One is a great has increased my prayer life
One likes likes chocolate
One is often annoyed with her is always annoyed with her brother
One is a is a spender
One had a bad haircut as a had a terrible haircut as a child
Both have a mom and Lord that loves them more than they will ever know!!!
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Oh what a month! I have had the honor of traveling for the last four weekends to speaking events and other activities associated with Speaking Thru Me. I am exhausted...but a good exhaustion. I feel so blessed that I have a family that supports me in ministry! My wonderful husband has had to be the mom and dad for the past 4 weekends. Numerous carpools, pre-cooked meals and a little drama here and there. This will be my last weekend away for awhile. I am excited to join 45 other women at a retreat in Hiram, Ohio.
My travels have given me some great blogging devotional material and what I had hoped to be some video vlogs. Soon to come..maybe.
Devotion #1 - The Ferry Ride
What a blast I had traveling with three other STMM members from Nashville to Illinois recently. It is amazing how quick a three hour trip can become when you are laughing, chatting and taking in many unique views. (details in another post)
We suddenly turned in to "tourists" when we saw a sign that said "ferry ahead." It must be some mistake. Who uses ferries these days? Haven't we evolved as a society? What happened to building a bridge? No mistake...we soon found ourselves boarding a ferry. Cameras came rolled down and we began to document our ferry experience. We were soon driving off the ferry and back onto the highway.
I wonder how far away a bridge may have been? Should we have tried to find one instead? We would have gone way off our path in order to have found a bridge.
Christ reminds us in John that He is "the way, the truth and the life"...and that "He is the ONLY way to the father." Many of us try to find other ways to the Father. We go way off the path that He has ordained for us. Why? We think the other ways are better. For the four of us...the ferry was our only way...for the four of us...He is always the only way!
Go make a memory today,
My travels have given me some great blogging devotional material and what I had hoped to be some video vlogs. Soon to come..maybe.
Devotion #1 - The Ferry Ride
What a blast I had traveling with three other STMM members from Nashville to Illinois recently. It is amazing how quick a three hour trip can become when you are laughing, chatting and taking in many unique views. (details in another post)
We suddenly turned in to "tourists" when we saw a sign that said "ferry ahead." It must be some mistake. Who uses ferries these days? Haven't we evolved as a society? What happened to building a bridge? No mistake...we soon found ourselves boarding a ferry. Cameras came rolled down and we began to document our ferry experience. We were soon driving off the ferry and back onto the highway.
I wonder how far away a bridge may have been? Should we have tried to find one instead? We would have gone way off our path in order to have found a bridge.
Christ reminds us in John that He is "the way, the truth and the life"...and that "He is the ONLY way to the father." Many of us try to find other ways to the Father. We go way off the path that He has ordained for us. Why? We think the other ways are better. For the four of us...the ferry was our only way...for the four of us...He is always the only way!
Go make a memory today,
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I am proud of all four of my children. I hope they know that and I also hope they know that there is nothing they could do that would make me stop loving them.
There are those moments where a mom wants to do the "touchdown" dance like we often see at football games.
My youngest daughter is about to go to her first dance. This is the first time where we have had to go and shop for a semi-formal dress. If you have had a chance to look at know there seems to be pieces missing from many of them. I am not sure which is the front or back sometimes. They are low cut...skimpy and seems that the less material that is used...the more they cost.
MODESTY is not a word today's designers consider.
Since they were young... my girls know that they are now allowed to wear clothes that reveals things that need to be private. (you get the picture...the three b' me if you need me to breakdown the 3 b's for you).
My daughter picked out the perfect dress without me even having to remind her. IT IS BEAUTIFUL and MODEST!!!!!
I am so proud of her! I am so proud that she GETS IT!!!!!
She is a beautiful young lady inside and out and doesn't need to show off her body!
To all the young ladies out there...keep your body a'll be glad you did!
There are those moments where a mom wants to do the "touchdown" dance like we often see at football games.
My youngest daughter is about to go to her first dance. This is the first time where we have had to go and shop for a semi-formal dress. If you have had a chance to look at know there seems to be pieces missing from many of them. I am not sure which is the front or back sometimes. They are low cut...skimpy and seems that the less material that is used...the more they cost.
MODESTY is not a word today's designers consider.
Since they were young... my girls know that they are now allowed to wear clothes that reveals things that need to be private. (you get the picture...the three b' me if you need me to breakdown the 3 b's for you).
My daughter picked out the perfect dress without me even having to remind her. IT IS BEAUTIFUL and MODEST!!!!!
I am so proud of her! I am so proud that she GETS IT!!!!!
She is a beautiful young lady inside and out and doesn't need to show off her body!
To all the young ladies out there...keep your body a'll be glad you did!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Who am I to judge?
For those of you who have heard my know about my pageant past.
I spent many years seeking a crown as a visible reminder of beauty.
I was recently asked to judge a Miss Ohio preliminary pageant. I thought WOW what fun it would be to be on the other side of the table. What fun it would be to get dressed up and spend an evening in the pageant world again.
It wasn't long before the Lord reminded me of how many times I had stood before young girls teaching them about inner beauty. Teaching them importance of being modest.
So...I had to say no to the pageant...and yes to God!
I spent many years seeking a crown as a visible reminder of beauty.
I was recently asked to judge a Miss Ohio preliminary pageant. I thought WOW what fun it would be to be on the other side of the table. What fun it would be to get dressed up and spend an evening in the pageant world again.
It wasn't long before the Lord reminded me of how many times I had stood before young girls teaching them about inner beauty. Teaching them importance of being modest.
So...I had to say no to the pageant...and yes to God!
Monday, September 07, 2009
My family from West Virginia just left my house after a great holiday weekend. It was great to see my dad feeling better and enjoying short excursions out. I was thinking about my dad when he was younger. At one time he was a vibrant evangelist sharing the gospel at churches and tent meetings. His uncle was a well known evangelist and had his own radio show for many years. Four of my cousins are pastors and recently one of their sons announced his call to ministry. It is exciting to see the next generation coming forward to proclaim the good news.
I was thinking of how I hoped my children would all feel the "call" to go into ministry. God reminded me that it really isn't a choice for them. In believers in Jesus Christ...we are all called to go into ministry. It's not even a choice. I often told Ashley that no matter what career field she enters...she is first and foremost an evangelist. She may be disguised as a physical therapist, a wife, a mother, a coach, etc. We all need to see our lives as full-time ministers...just disguised as something else. You don't have to be employed by a church to see yourself as a full-time ministry worker.
So to all of you "full time ministry workers"...let's get to work...even on labor day!
I was thinking of how I hoped my children would all feel the "call" to go into ministry. God reminded me that it really isn't a choice for them. In believers in Jesus Christ...we are all called to go into ministry. It's not even a choice. I often told Ashley that no matter what career field she enters...she is first and foremost an evangelist. She may be disguised as a physical therapist, a wife, a mother, a coach, etc. We all need to see our lives as full-time ministers...just disguised as something else. You don't have to be employed by a church to see yourself as a full-time ministry worker.
So to all of you "full time ministry workers"...let's get to work...even on labor day!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Today in church I looked down at my bulletin and I could not see a thing. It was blurry. I held the bulletin closer and still blurry. Then I held it out at arm's length...and it was clear. I almost chuckled out loud when it hit me...I am that woman. You know her. The one who has to hold everything at arm's length in order to see. The one who has to remove her glasses so she can read. The one who is always looking for her "readers". I wondered when the time would come that I would need others to hold my menu across the table so I could see it. Don't get me wrong. I am excited about shopping for cute reading glasses.
I need to embrace the changes that come our way as we age. It made me think of other things that have changed in my forties. I can't stay awake as long as I use to. I enjoy watching the news more. I think a little more about saving for retirement. Of course...other changes I won't mention except to say "I hate hot flashes in the summer."
I realize that with age also comes maturity. (hopefully) I know that I make better decisions than I did when I was younger. I think that I may be a little more patient with others. I know that I am not as spontaneous and make less hasty decisions. I know that I find myself seeing things in light of eternity and not in the "now." I know that I love the Lord more than I did.
Some things became clearer to me today...even my church bulletin.
I need to embrace the changes that come our way as we age. It made me think of other things that have changed in my forties. I can't stay awake as long as I use to. I enjoy watching the news more. I think a little more about saving for retirement. Of course...other changes I won't mention except to say "I hate hot flashes in the summer."
I realize that with age also comes maturity. (hopefully) I know that I make better decisions than I did when I was younger. I think that I may be a little more patient with others. I know that I am not as spontaneous and make less hasty decisions. I know that I find myself seeing things in light of eternity and not in the "now." I know that I love the Lord more than I did.
Some things became clearer to me today...even my church bulletin.
Monday, August 03, 2009
I wrote today on facebook that I truly know how it feels to "praise Him in the storm." This experience with dad is not an experience that I would want anyone to go through...but I hope everyone is allowed to see God work like we have. As I type...I am in dad's room. He is sleeping so peacefully. He is off the ventilator and breathing smoothly. He is not fidgeting. He has great color to him. I can't believe he has come so far in 4 days. I will admit that there was a time when it did not look good for him. I am convinced that it is all because of prayer. Prayer is something that is hard to understand. I am not sure how it works...but that's okay...I just know it does and that's enough for me. It has taught me not to wait on the big crisis in life to pray. I know that God wants me to pray about everything. He even tells us to pray without ceasing.
I have such peace today. This makes me want to shout from the rooftops that "JESUS CHRIST IS LORD."
Yesterday as I was getting ready for church...I was listening to Chris Tomlin sing "How Great Is Our God." I just raised my hands in praise. I actually stood on my tip toes just wanting to get as close to heaven as I could. I actually wanted to touch the robe of Jesus. I know that there is no way you can reach heaven on earth...but I know that I am connected to the one who awaits me.
I have such peace today. This makes me want to shout from the rooftops that "JESUS CHRIST IS LORD."
Yesterday as I was getting ready for church...I was listening to Chris Tomlin sing "How Great Is Our God." I just raised my hands in praise. I actually stood on my tip toes just wanting to get as close to heaven as I could. I actually wanted to touch the robe of Jesus. I know that there is no way you can reach heaven on earth...but I know that I am connected to the one who awaits me.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Today is Austin's birthday. It's hard to focus on a celebration when you have a loved one in ICU...but we are trying to make it a special day.
The girls are making Austin and a cake and we will shop for a gift later today. For are thirteen things that I want to say to my son:
1- The most important relationship that you will ever have in your life is the one with the Lord. When that one is is everything else.
2- You look much cuter when your underwear is not visible from the top of your shorts or jeans
3- A good rule of thumb is that your hair should never be longer (or prettier) than your mother's
4- Save that first kiss
5- Always be a dreamer. Always know that you can do or be anything if God (not man) has called you to be
6- Just a reminder of that first kiss thing
7- I will never forget the night you were born. We were driving as fast as we could to the Air Force Academy hospital in the wee hours of the morning. Some airman tried to get us to stop and show our military i.d.'s. When he saw a women huffing and puffing in the car and pointing to her belly...he let us through with a military escort.
8- Your favorite yellow "ducky" is packed away in the basement if you ever need it
9- Did I mention something about your first kiss?
10 - You are loved more than you will ever know
11- Smile...a lot.
12- Slash is a great guitarist...but not a good role model.
13 - We love you and are very proud of you!!!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I am have blessed to be part of a Ladies Bible study this summer on contentment. I stuggle with this and needed to be reminded of how God sees us and how He truly is in control of everything and owns everything.
The one chapter that hit me the hardest was being content with who we are on the inside and outside. So...can you believe that I almost skipped the Bible study last night? Why? I didn't like the way my hair looked. Yep...I am that shallow.
Let me explain. It was a very busy day for me at home so I took a quick shower...brushed back my wet hair and put it in a headband. Now..we all know what happens when you put wet hair in a handband. The hair dries ...the headband is removed...and well you get the picture. There isn't enough gel or hairspray on earth that will fix that mess.
I rushed out the door to drop Alex off at his game and decided that I would fix this mess in the car. Headband went back on and off I went. Bad mistake.
I tried brushing it, gelling it, spraying it...nothing worked. I tried repeating the gel and the I was getting a headache. I even contemplated running to walgreens and buying a hat. Then I decided to do one more thing. I went into the bathroom at the baseball field and wet my hair. Second I had wet hair that wouldn't dry because of all the gel and spray. I thought about asking my son if he really needed to wear his ball hat. Maybe I could borrow it for the night.
Then it hit me. I was about to skip a Bible study on contentment because I was not content with my hair. God humbled me...I shook off my discontentment...shook my hair and headed off to the study.
It was a great night. I am so glad I went. No one really cares what my hair looks like. Once we were together and in the word...I stopped caring what my hair looks like. How about you...what are you discontent with today? What's stopping you from giving it to God?
The one chapter that hit me the hardest was being content with who we are on the inside and outside. So...can you believe that I almost skipped the Bible study last night? Why? I didn't like the way my hair looked. Yep...I am that shallow.
Let me explain. It was a very busy day for me at home so I took a quick shower...brushed back my wet hair and put it in a headband. Now..we all know what happens when you put wet hair in a handband. The hair dries ...the headband is removed...and well you get the picture. There isn't enough gel or hairspray on earth that will fix that mess.
I rushed out the door to drop Alex off at his game and decided that I would fix this mess in the car. Headband went back on and off I went. Bad mistake.
I tried brushing it, gelling it, spraying it...nothing worked. I tried repeating the gel and the I was getting a headache. I even contemplated running to walgreens and buying a hat. Then I decided to do one more thing. I went into the bathroom at the baseball field and wet my hair. Second I had wet hair that wouldn't dry because of all the gel and spray. I thought about asking my son if he really needed to wear his ball hat. Maybe I could borrow it for the night.
Then it hit me. I was about to skip a Bible study on contentment because I was not content with my hair. God humbled me...I shook off my discontentment...shook my hair and headed off to the study.
It was a great night. I am so glad I went. No one really cares what my hair looks like. Once we were together and in the word...I stopped caring what my hair looks like. How about you...what are you discontent with today? What's stopping you from giving it to God?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
If you know me well, you know that I have a passion for teaching young girls about modesty and purity. I have tried very hard to teach my own daughters the importance of modesty and to be "covered up". There are somethings that the world does not need to say...catch my drift.
When I went to visit Ashley recently she took me to a boutique. She said there was something in there that she knew I would love and would want to buy.
She was right. CHECK IT OUT:

Miss Oops Boob Tube.
It is a cute little "tube top like" cami.
If your neck line is too just wear this under the shirt.
Great for layering which still seems to be in style.
I love the tag line on the package..."Boob Tube...they're show stoppers!"
Just think if every young girls decided to "stop the show".
Buy one at
When I went to visit Ashley recently she took me to a boutique. She said there was something in there that she knew I would love and would want to buy.
She was right. CHECK IT OUT:

Miss Oops Boob Tube.
It is a cute little "tube top like" cami.
If your neck line is too just wear this under the shirt.
Great for layering which still seems to be in style.
I love the tag line on the package..."Boob Tube...they're show stoppers!"
Just think if every young girls decided to "stop the show".
Buy one at
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
This morning my dog ran out the door to chase his little female friend that walks the same time every morning. As I ran out the door with no shoes I noticed that someone had t.p.'d our home. At first I was touched that someone took the time to show their love for us. I remembered my days of youth ministry and knew that you only t.p.'d the homes of the ones you love. Then suddenly my joy turned to anger when I saw egg, toilet paper, red candy, syrup, mulch and favorite..yellow sticky notes plastered everywhere.
So how do I know it was a teenager? I know because I had to ask my teen to explain some of the words that were written on my car. She had to explain to me their meaning. So here is my advice to the one who chose to deface our property. If you really wanted to offend the adults in the house....splurge and buy the larger bottle of syrup. We need for you to completely spell the abbeviations. time...use larger letters. Thanks for the additional toilet paper. With the state of the economy all donations are appreciated. Also...we like our eggs scrambled...not in our tail pipes. Next time...please bring over a little more mulch. We were about to order a truck load and you could really help us save money.
If by chance we meet and you have to fulfill some kind of community service...I have a few ideas in mind. I think the two of us would have a great day serving together while you listen to me tell you every story about my childhood, my lectures on teenagers and most will about the term grace. I will explain to you what it means and about the One who gives that to everyone...yes...even teens who are creative and energetic.
So how do I know it was a teenager? I know because I had to ask my teen to explain some of the words that were written on my car. She had to explain to me their meaning. So here is my advice to the one who chose to deface our property. If you really wanted to offend the adults in the house....splurge and buy the larger bottle of syrup. We need for you to completely spell the abbeviations. time...use larger letters. Thanks for the additional toilet paper. With the state of the economy all donations are appreciated. Also...we like our eggs scrambled...not in our tail pipes. Next time...please bring over a little more mulch. We were about to order a truck load and you could really help us save money.
If by chance we meet and you have to fulfill some kind of community service...I have a few ideas in mind. I think the two of us would have a great day serving together while you listen to me tell you every story about my childhood, my lectures on teenagers and most will about the term grace. I will explain to you what it means and about the One who gives that to everyone...yes...even teens who are creative and energetic.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The other day I was watching (not participating) a work out video on television. There was a word that the trainer kept using "core". She kept saying "strengthen your core" "tighten your core" "work on your core." What's with the core? I just want tighter legs and a matter of fact...what is my core? I learned the core is the center part of our body and really needs to be the strongest part of our body. It carries and supports everything. It made me wonder about the "core" of my spritual walk. First of all...what is do I make it stronger? My spiritual core is my faith. If it's not strong...forget about the rest. It needs to support so many areas of my life. How do I exercise my spiritual core? That's what I am pondering now. I know the obvious ways are prayer, studying, fellowship, worship, etc. How strong is your core? Are you watching or participating?
Saturday, June 06, 2009
The Necklace
A few years ago I wrote a children's book called "I AM BEAUTIFUL". It's about a little girl who only feels beautiful when she is wearing her princess costume. One day she is searching frantically for the costume so she can feel beautiful. Her mother sees the importance of this costume and explains to her little girl that she truly is a "princess" with or without the costume.
When I wrote the book I had a dream that a special necklace would come with the book. I envisioned that it would be round and pale pink. It would have a little silver crown in the middle. Not just any crown...but one that looked like a "fairy tale princess crown" with little round circles on top.
A few weeks ago I was at a conference and look what I found...and bought....
I spoke to a representative about the possibility of buying this special necklace for my book...I'll keep you posted.
When I wrote the book I had a dream that a special necklace would come with the book. I envisioned that it would be round and pale pink. It would have a little silver crown in the middle. Not just any crown...but one that looked like a "fairy tale princess crown" with little round circles on top.
A few weeks ago I was at a conference and look what I found...and bought....
I spoke to a representative about the possibility of buying this special necklace for my book...I'll keep you posted.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Ask yourself this question..."What if you knew you would be with Jesus today? What if you knew tonight you would not be sleeping at home...but in a few hours you would be falling into the arms of Christ?
My best friend's mom will probably be in heaven by tonight. It's an eery thought for our human minds to comprehend. She has been sick for sometime and symptoms show that today could possibly be her last day on earth. As I type almost seems unreal. She is ready. She knows the Lord and she knows that once she takes her last breath...her real life begins. To think that heaven is preparing to accept her possibly today is a little unsettling but also exciting.
What would I do if I knew today was my last day? I don't know if we can accurately answer that. We can speculate and guess...but what would we really do.
I guess we should always live like it's our last day. Say what needs to be said. Reach out to those who need help. Give like it's not our's to give and love like we aren't afraid of getting hurt.
Pray for the Horvath family and tonight when you go to bed...think of Helen...she'll be with Jesus.
At 9:30 am this morning Helen went home to be with Jesus.
My best friend's mom will probably be in heaven by tonight. It's an eery thought for our human minds to comprehend. She has been sick for sometime and symptoms show that today could possibly be her last day on earth. As I type almost seems unreal. She is ready. She knows the Lord and she knows that once she takes her last breath...her real life begins. To think that heaven is preparing to accept her possibly today is a little unsettling but also exciting.
What would I do if I knew today was my last day? I don't know if we can accurately answer that. We can speculate and guess...but what would we really do.
I guess we should always live like it's our last day. Say what needs to be said. Reach out to those who need help. Give like it's not our's to give and love like we aren't afraid of getting hurt.
Pray for the Horvath family and tonight when you go to bed...think of Helen...she'll be with Jesus.
At 9:30 am this morning Helen went home to be with Jesus.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
This has been a very challenging week in our household...but it ended on a postive note. We were able to go to Kalahari Resort this weekend and enjoy some downtime. Well almost downtime. I was at a confernce so Wally and the kids were able to enjoy the waterpark. Speaking Thru Me Ministries had a booth and I had the honor of representing this incredible ministry. Many women responded well to our mission and a lot of interest was created. Friday night I was feeling really tired and a little discouraged by things involving my week. A lady approached my booth and began talking about her desire to speak and write. She began to energize me as she shared how she felt like God was calling her to speak and share her story. I encouraged her to contact Leigh and offer to write devotions for a radio opportunity Leigh has been given. She gave me her name and it looked very familiar. Then it dawned on me...I had met her three years ago. I asked her if she had attended an event in Mentor three years ago. She looked at me and began to cry. She said "Yes...and you shared your testimony at this event." I looked at her and said "Cancer had shared with me your story of surviving ovarian cancer." Then I began to cry. We both remembered how we had a lengthy conversation that evening and promised to get together after the event. We had exchanged phone numbers and we had both accidentally threw them away. She shared with me how recently God was prompting her again to write and speak but she didn't know where to begin. She prayed that God would allow her to run into the speaker that she had met three years ago (me) who had encouraged her to follow what God was calling her to do. She didn't remember my name or where I lived. He did just that. He had me drive over an hour and a half away and had her drive even further for our paths to cross. How cool is God. We both just felt sort of awestruck of what God had done. Don't you love it when you experience such a personal response from the creator of the universe? I do! I want more of those personal encounters. I want them daily. I want to truly be in sync with God! I am so glad that this lady is again in my life and I am SO GRATEFUL that God never loses my number.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Today I was driving to church and I had a heavy heart. For those of you who know me well know that I am PASSIONATE about teaching young girls about modesty. For many reasons this is near and dear to my heart. I am saddened by the way our young girls feel that they need to dress. Ways that I feel also sadden the One who created them. I guess this always hits home when I see the many many prom pictures that are posted on social network sights. My heart goes out to not only the girls but to the guys. Guys who are trying to live a pure life but struggle with this when girls are scantly dressed. I have heard many girls say "that's their problem...they shouldn't be thinking those thoughts." I don't think girls truly understand the mind of a young man. For those who profess to be followers of God's Word He makes it very clear that we are "not to cause our brother to stumble." My heart was heavy today as I truly felt that satan is winning in this area. I don't like to lose and I don't like it when, as someone in ministry, feels defeated. Tears came down my face as I prayed for our young girls. I prayed that they would see the importance of living a modest and pure life.
If I could talk to each one of those girls here is what I would say:
1) God created you in a unique and wonderful way. Turn off the world and tune in to Him.
2) I would challenge them that if they are walking the walk...they need to dress the walk. What you wear on the outer self can sometimes detract or often represent the inner self.
3) If God has called you someday to be a wife then that means your husband is out there somewhere. Protect what is meant for him...not the eyes of others. As Dannah Gresh says "be a secretkeeper".
Today I was praying to God and asking him to "show up today in a large way." I asked that He affirm the call that He has placed on my life and reveal Himself to me.
I left church the same way I entered..defeated. Defeated by situations and people. The intent of this post is not to host a "pity party" but to just lay it out there and say...there is a battle. As scripture says..."the battle is not against flesh and blood..." I need to equip myself a little better for battle. I need to be in the Word more and on my knees more.
If I could talk to each one of those girls here is what I would say:
1) God created you in a unique and wonderful way. Turn off the world and tune in to Him.
2) I would challenge them that if they are walking the walk...they need to dress the walk. What you wear on the outer self can sometimes detract or often represent the inner self.
3) If God has called you someday to be a wife then that means your husband is out there somewhere. Protect what is meant for him...not the eyes of others. As Dannah Gresh says "be a secretkeeper".
Today I was praying to God and asking him to "show up today in a large way." I asked that He affirm the call that He has placed on my life and reveal Himself to me.
I left church the same way I entered..defeated. Defeated by situations and people. The intent of this post is not to host a "pity party" but to just lay it out there and say...there is a battle. As scripture says..."the battle is not against flesh and blood..." I need to equip myself a little better for battle. I need to be in the Word more and on my knees more.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
As I continue to recruit people to volunteer with children, the word hero keeps going through my mind. Kids needs a hero and that hero is Jesus. I want them to be some child's hero. The one that shares Christ with them.
It made me realize who my hero was. I was six years old and I believe her name was Marilyn. She was my VBS teacher and she told me about Jesus in terms that a six year old could understand. That day I gave my six year old heart to Jesus. She was the hero that lead me to Jesus.
I feel compelled to try and find her today and tell her thank you. I will blog about my journey as I try to track her down. Who was the hero that lead you to Christ? Have you told them thank you? Join me in this journey. Share with me as you find the one who introduced you to our greatest hero.
Gotta go...I have some investigating to do.
It made me realize who my hero was. I was six years old and I believe her name was Marilyn. She was my VBS teacher and she told me about Jesus in terms that a six year old could understand. That day I gave my six year old heart to Jesus. She was the hero that lead me to Jesus.
I feel compelled to try and find her today and tell her thank you. I will blog about my journey as I try to track her down. Who was the hero that lead you to Christ? Have you told them thank you? Join me in this journey. Share with me as you find the one who introduced you to our greatest hero.
Gotta go...I have some investigating to do.
Friday, March 27, 2009

I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. . . . My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:14,27).
It seems like a lifetime ago that my children were babies. One has moved out of the house, one is about to learn to drive, one is entering the "precious" teenage years and the baby of the bunch is no longer dependant on his parents as much. I remember when I would drop them off in the church nursery and walk away to the service. Sometimes as we were about to pick them up I could hear their cry even before I entered the room. I knew it was their cry and not the cries of the other infants. Why? I had heard it so many times that I was accustomed to their unique sound. My ear was trained to be able to identify their specific cry. Last week at church I was speaking to a mom and she told me that she needed to cut our conversation short because she could hear her baby crying. It amazed me since we were standing many many feet away from the nursery. She knew her child's cry.
Do you ever feel like you don't hear from God? Maybe He is speaking to you but you don't recognize His voice. Maybe His voice is being muffled by the world, by Satan or even your own voice. Learn to recognize God's voice. He knows your's.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Meet our new son
We have officially sponsored a compassion child. The newest member of our family is
Enqeri Noe Gaba Nenquemo. He lives in our heart and in Ecuador. Enqeri is 6 years old and I wish I could show you a picture. I just finished writing him a letter and telling him how much we love him and how we will be praying for him. It is so exciting to know that we are connected to a child who lives thousands of miles away. My prayer is that I get a chance to meet him next year when we hopefully visit Ecuador. If you have the resources to sponsor a child, do it today. Click on my compassion link and make a difference in the life of a child. I will be blessed.
Enqeri Noe Gaba Nenquemo. He lives in our heart and in Ecuador. Enqeri is 6 years old and I wish I could show you a picture. I just finished writing him a letter and telling him how much we love him and how we will be praying for him. It is so exciting to know that we are connected to a child who lives thousands of miles away. My prayer is that I get a chance to meet him next year when we hopefully visit Ecuador. If you have the resources to sponsor a child, do it today. Click on my compassion link and make a difference in the life of a child. I will be blessed.
There’s a fun game show on television called cash cab. A person enters a cab thinking they will be receiving a ride from point a to point b but are surprised when they realize they have an opportunity to earn money on the trip. The driver asks them questions as they drive and if answered correctly the cash value goes up and up. The other day I was driving my son and his friend home and we began talking about a popular singing artist. We talked about the lyrics of her song and whether or not it was appropriate. Let’s just say we had differing views. I listened to this young man as he justified why this song was “good” . He supported his opinion with the ways of the world. I was able to support by opinion with scripture. Our conversations lead to an opportunity for me to share some Biblical truths with this young man. We laughed that he had just taken a ride in the “Virtue Van” instead of the “cash cab”. It made me realize a few things. First, we need to take advantage of every opportunity to share the love of Christ with someone. Secondly, we need to always be prepared to share and support what we believe. Scripture tells us that we always need to be ready “to give an account.” Are you seizing every opportunity to share Christ? Are you being creative in finding ways to begin a spiritual conversation? I have a new appreciation for the many hours that I spend carpooling. Pray for me as I awake each day and start the engine to the “virtue van”.
Lord, thank you for the opportunity to share with others throughout our day. May we never become too busy to stop and proclaim who you are. Prepare each one of us to represent you in our every day lives.
Lord, thank you for the opportunity to share with others throughout our day. May we never become too busy to stop and proclaim who you are. Prepare each one of us to represent you in our every day lives.
Saturday, February 21, 2009

My job requires that I do alot of recruiting. I am accustomed to hearing many many reasons why someone cannot volunteer. The other day I spoke with a mom and I truly appreciated her response. She desired to serve and wanted to be protective of time with her family. That was so refreshing to hear. How could I argue with someone who has her priorties in order. This darling woman serves with boundaries. She realizes that God has called her to serve...but not to serve everywhere! We can all serve in some one I believe is excused from service. In fact the Bible speaks of how the "son of God came to serve and not be served." She was not trying to be "Wonder Woman." We all have met her before. The women who can
"bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan..."(you know how the rest of the song goes.) Are you trying to do it all and to have it all? Guess what? It can't be done!!!
As a wife, mother, friend, etc it is important to set boundaries. It is important to prioritize our lives and to always make Christ the center of all that we do. There are alot of great things out there but nothing is as important as our relationship with Him. I stopped trying to be Wonder Woman along time ago. It was exhausting and let's face it...the costume is not attractive.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do you remember singing that song as a child? My God is so big! I do...and last an adult...I was reminded of that song. Last night our speaking team (Speaking Thru Me Ministries) had a conference call with Compassion International. We heard about how this wonderful organization began from the heart of one man. We learned how thousands and thousaands of children have been ministered to in the name of Jesus. Could it be that the creator of the universe would allow us to be part of this? It's hard to fathom that in some small way...we could help a child who lives across the world. A child who desires the things that we take for granted. A child who desires food, shoes for their feet and yes...Jesus. If that child were sitting here beside me now I could offer him or her a meal. I could personally give them a pair of shoes. I could offer them a warm bed. I can't be there in person...but I can still make a difference. I am so excited to begin speaking for compassion. I am so excited to begin sponsoring a child. Won't you join me?
Friday, February 13, 2009
For several years now, I have had someone in my life that I consider to be my mentor. For awhile we met on a formal basis and planned times to meet. For the last couple of years this has become more informal and very effective. She is one of the first calls I make when I need advice, counsel or prayer. I can always count on honest advice, scripturally based counsel and love.
Yesterday it dawned on me that maybe it was time to give back. I don't consider myself someone who is wise or someone who can quote the appropriate scripture when needed...but I do consider myself someone who is available, teachable and caring. I asked God if maybe it was time for me to "mentor" someone and if it bring that someone to me.
Today...when I opened my daily devotion...this was the prayer that was attached to the devo:
Dear God, There are people in this world that I can learn so much from; people who have gone through hard things that have strengthened their faith, people who have been Christians for years and are so much more spiritually mature than I am. On the other hand, there are people in this world who can learn from me. Please show me if there is someone you would have me be a mentor to or someone who should be my mentor. And please, keep working on me so that I might be the witness in the world that you want me to be. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Here I am Lord...
After I posted this blog about mentoring, someone looked at my blog from Rome, Italy. To that person...I want to say...where God leads I will follow. I would be open to an overseas mentoring opportunity. I love pasta, pizza and Italian shoes. In fact...I will apply for a passport today...all in the name of Serving (and pasta, pizza and shoes)
Yesterday it dawned on me that maybe it was time to give back. I don't consider myself someone who is wise or someone who can quote the appropriate scripture when needed...but I do consider myself someone who is available, teachable and caring. I asked God if maybe it was time for me to "mentor" someone and if it bring that someone to me.
Today...when I opened my daily devotion...this was the prayer that was attached to the devo:
Dear God, There are people in this world that I can learn so much from; people who have gone through hard things that have strengthened their faith, people who have been Christians for years and are so much more spiritually mature than I am. On the other hand, there are people in this world who can learn from me. Please show me if there is someone you would have me be a mentor to or someone who should be my mentor. And please, keep working on me so that I might be the witness in the world that you want me to be. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Here I am Lord...
After I posted this blog about mentoring, someone looked at my blog from Rome, Italy. To that person...I want to say...where God leads I will follow. I would be open to an overseas mentoring opportunity. I love pasta, pizza and Italian shoes. In fact...I will apply for a passport today...all in the name of Serving (and pasta, pizza and shoes)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Last night I prayed with women whom I have never even seen. I prayed with women who I love dearly but have never even had a chance to hug. Last night I prayed in a conference call with the STMM speakers and prayer director. It was awesome. We went before the throne of the Lord and asked for His will to be done in this ministry. We asked that He find favor with each of us and to bless this ministry. We asked that He help us as we plan our first conference this year.
I had the privlege of praying for our partnership with Compassion International. We have been approved to represent Compassion at our events. We are excited to help many many children become sponsored which allows them a chance to hear about Jesus!!!
Today...Federal Express dropped off my official packet. It was so exciting to open the package. I can't wait to share with women this wonderful ministry. I can't wait to meet the woman who will sponsor the first child. Maybe it's you!!!
Monday, February 09, 2009
Juiceboxes and Jesus - Devo #2 - ALWAYS ROOM FOR ONE MORE

Who takes care of mom when she is sick? I remember one time while living in Colorado when I was really sick. I couldn't keep any food down and I had absolutely no energy. As a mom of three it was almost impossible to keep a clean house and take care of my infant son, toddler daughter and school age daughter. I finally gave in and went to the doctor knowing this was probably some sort of flu bug or virus. The doctor insisted that I have some blood work done so I agreed to speed up the process of the exam. Minutes later the doctor came in and gave me a hug. Yep..I thought to myself...I must be dying. Why else would she come in and give me a hug. "You are pregnant she said!" Congratulations!'s the flu. I told her I wanted a second opinion. She laughed and said " first opinion is that you are pregnant and my second opinion is that you will be a mom again in 8 months." I left her office not with an antibiotic...but with pre-natal vitamins. I was shocked. I mean... I had only planned to have 3 children. Four children seemed unrealistic to me. I got in my van to leave and suddenly turned around and began to count the seats in the van. One..two..three..four..five...and six. I guess we do have room for one more. Several weeks later I began to have symptoms of possibly miscarrying #4. I remember sitting in the hospital with a Air Force Colonel bedside offering me the option of ending this pregnancy now. My answer was NO! I told him as long as there is a heart beat...there is a baby. Seven months later a beautiful bouncing boy was born. God had a different plan then we did and yes...there was room for one more.
When I think back to this story I am reminded of how God loves each one of us and there is always room for one more in His kingdom. Scripture tells us that He will even "leave the go after the 1."
His love has no boundaries...His plan is perfect...He knows what's best."
As a mom who is older now and maybe a little wiser, I realize that His plans are best...not mine. His timing is perfect...not mine. He needs no second opinion.
Sunday, February 08, 2009

Yesteday I had an opporunity to go to a wonderful fundraiser for Hattie Larlham. It included a wonderful lunch, fellowship with some great ladies and a fashion show. I love fashion and was excited to see what's in and what's out. I'm sure over half my wardrobe is out. The fashion show began and I found myself not paying attention to the clothes...but to the models. As each model came on stage my self-esteem began to get smaller and smaller. I watched each lady go by and I found myself feeling inadequate. Then I was reminded of who made me. God! Scripture reminds me that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made." Better yet...I am made in His image. Suddenly I began to enjoy the clothes again and truly needed to be reminded of what God sees. Yes...I do need to lose weight...but not for vanity...for health. It reminded me of what our young girls are going through. They are bombarded with images that they will never be able to live up to. That is why I am passionate about teaching young girls and women what true beauty is and where true beauty comes from.
I am passionate about SecretKeeper Girls. If you read this and know of a young girl that needs to hear this message invite them to this incredible event.
My fashion show incident also reminded me of that children's book that I wrote on this very topic. Next week I have challenged myself to do one thing that takes this book one step closer to being published.
Your prayers would be appreciated.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Okay...I am probably one of the few people who did not watch the super bowl last sunday. I truly know nothing about the game. My son played for the first time this year and I went to every game. I cheered when the crowd cheered so it seemed that I knew what I was doing. I know that many people cheered loudly when their team won on sunday and many cried when their team lost. People lost their voices from cheering. I can't relate...sorry...but I can relate to being on a winning team.
Today in our all church staff meeting I felt like I was on a winning team. Many ministries shared stories of how lives were changed at outreach events this past weekend. 18 teens gave their life to Christ...11 men checked that they wanted to know more about a personal relationship with Jesus. One little boy, who was muslim, asked about Jesus dying on the cross. That me friend is a win. That is better than any touchdown. I don't even know what it means to "sack the ball" but I know that seeing lives changed is better.
Watching football is fun for many people. That's great...but knowing and having a personal relationship and sharing that with others is better!!!
So team...let's get off the sidelines...get into the game...let's expand our winning team.
Rah!! Rah!!! (yes...I was a cheerleader...still didn't understand the game)
Today in our all church staff meeting I felt like I was on a winning team. Many ministries shared stories of how lives were changed at outreach events this past weekend. 18 teens gave their life to Christ...11 men checked that they wanted to know more about a personal relationship with Jesus. One little boy, who was muslim, asked about Jesus dying on the cross. That me friend is a win. That is better than any touchdown. I don't even know what it means to "sack the ball" but I know that seeing lives changed is better.
Watching football is fun for many people. That's great...but knowing and having a personal relationship and sharing that with others is better!!!
So team...let's get off the sidelines...get into the game...let's expand our winning team.
Rah!! Rah!!! (yes...I was a cheerleader...still didn't understand the game)
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
I have truly seen the power of prayer recently.
Example 1
At the beginning of the week I needed to fill so many teacher openings at church that it seemed overwhelming. As the week progressed... I saw God fill each slot...except for one. Sunday morning at 7:30 am...still one opening...I prayed.
Sunday morning at 9:30 am...still one opening (class started at 10:00) Sunday morning at 9:45...still one I stepped in to teach. Sunday morning at 10:00 am...experienced teacher volunteers to step in...10:15 am another volunteer steps in to offer additional help. 10:16 am...I'm doing the happy dance. I prayed for 1 volunteer and He sends 2.
Example 2
I had women on our speaking team pray that I would receive an offer to speak. As of today...I have 2 offers.
He answered my prayer above and beyond what I asked.
Example 1
At the beginning of the week I needed to fill so many teacher openings at church that it seemed overwhelming. As the week progressed... I saw God fill each slot...except for one. Sunday morning at 7:30 am...still one opening...I prayed.
Sunday morning at 9:30 am...still one opening (class started at 10:00) Sunday morning at 9:45...still one I stepped in to teach. Sunday morning at 10:00 am...experienced teacher volunteers to step in...10:15 am another volunteer steps in to offer additional help. 10:16 am...I'm doing the happy dance. I prayed for 1 volunteer and He sends 2.
Example 2
I had women on our speaking team pray that I would receive an offer to speak. As of today...I have 2 offers.
He answered my prayer above and beyond what I asked.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Today would have been my grandmother's 89th birthday. Almost three years ago...I lost my hero. You can read more about it here.
We miss her terribly. We miss her laugh, her advice, her cookin', and so much more. She left a great legacy for us to live up to.
I know where she is today. I can't be there to help her blow out the candles or to open the cards she always loved receiving. All I can do is anticipate the day that I will see her again and send a wink up to heaven.
Miss ya Nee.
We miss her terribly. We miss her laugh, her advice, her cookin', and so much more. She left a great legacy for us to live up to.
I know where she is today. I can't be there to help her blow out the candles or to open the cards she always loved receiving. All I can do is anticipate the day that I will see her again and send a wink up to heaven.
Miss ya Nee.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
It's the weekend!!!Time to relax, spend time with family and friends and yes...LAUGH!!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009

I love to write and the Lord placed an idea on my heart. It's called "Juicebox and Jesus" - devos for young moms. So here is #1.
It's amazing how things have changed since my childen were small. The strollers are more stylish, the diaper bags look like designer purses and even the bottles are more sleek and stylish. But one thing stays the same...the juicebox. In every young mother's purse between her wallet and extra bib is a juicebox. It seems that every young preschooler can get an unquenchable thirst anyplace and anytime. To avoid a public tantrum and possible dehydration, moms are always prepared with the all important juicebox and miniature straw. It contains just the right amount to soothe their precious thirst. What quenches your thirst? Not your physical thirst...but your spiritual thirst? When Jesus encountered the woman at the well he promised her "living water." He promised her something (Him)that would quench her thirst forever. If I am truly thirsty...a little juicebox will not quench my adult thirst. It may provide temporary relief ...but I will be thirsty again. I want to experience what Jesus offered the Samaritan women...I don't want a small little portion of Him...I want all of Him. To receive that...I need to give Him all of me. So moms tomorrow when you are preparing for your day...don't forget your juicebox and your Jesus.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Today in staff meeting we talked about the power of our words. Words can build one up and words can tear one down. It is so important that we are always on the side of "building up." In this time of economic is important to remember that a kind word costs nothing a compliment is free and a prayer for someone is priceless.
On a side note...I don't think I have laughed as hard as I did today while working. It was a great day of ministry and truly feeling blessed to be part of a team that loves the Lord and laughter.
On a side note...I don't think I have laughed as hard as I did today while working. It was a great day of ministry and truly feeling blessed to be part of a team that loves the Lord and laughter.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
This weekend I was straightening my son's room. Yes...I know he is old enough to clean his room...but I like to do it myself sometimes.
I was so excited by what I saw. Beside his bed...beside his video games, trading cards and candy...was his Bible and quiet time papers. the age of 10...he is having a regular quiet time. He was encouraged to do this by the wonderful teachers at our new church. They offer creative incentives to help the children make having a quiet time with the Lord a habit.
I could not wait to tell the teachers the next day and to encourage them to keep doing what they are doing. I was so thrilled when my son came to me and asked where his church papers were. I would clean his room every day..for the rest of his life...if he promises to keep spending time with the Lord.
Would you like for your child to develop this habit? If so...visit the elementary school program their room is optional.
I was so excited by what I saw. Beside his bed...beside his video games, trading cards and candy...was his Bible and quiet time papers. the age of 10...he is having a regular quiet time. He was encouraged to do this by the wonderful teachers at our new church. They offer creative incentives to help the children make having a quiet time with the Lord a habit.
I could not wait to tell the teachers the next day and to encourage them to keep doing what they are doing. I was so thrilled when my son came to me and asked where his church papers were. I would clean his room every day..for the rest of his life...if he promises to keep spending time with the Lord.
Would you like for your child to develop this habit? If so...visit the elementary school program their room is optional.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Unless you live under a rock or in a cave you cannot ignore all the excitement surrounding the inauguration. Last night I was watching the news and I kept hearing the words "hope" and "change". I heard the words "passion" and "excitement". I closed my eyes for a minute and visualized that they were describing Jesus and not Obama. I agree that it is time for a change, it is time for our country to feel hopeful, we need to follow a leader with passion and we need to feel excited about our future...but...this cannot come from a man...this has to come from God. We are the vessel that God uses to preach "hope" to demonstrate "passion" to provoke "change" and to have a contagious "excitement." He is God...He is the one that deserves our worship and our praise...He is the one that can truly heal our world.
My prayer for today is " through your people. Let them see the things in this world that are temporal and remind us of what is eternal."
My prayer for today is " through your people. Let them see the things in this world that are temporal and remind us of what is eternal."
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Today has been a great day. I am beginning to get caught up on household duties and had a chance to go and watch Alex play basketball. Sometimes this isn't always a pleasant experience. Why? Wally and another gentleman do a GREAT job coaching...but there seems to be a father who believes he needs to coach from the sidelines. We have all seen this type of parent. In fact one of the leagues actually sends home a contract that parents have to sign regarding this exact situation.
Every time I go to the game I am so distracted by him. He yells at his son, becomes obviously frustrated and really upsets me when he begins to yell at the other players. Sometimes it is negative and sometimes positive.
Today's game was no different. He began pacing the sidelines and I was thinking about a strategy on how to approach him. First I thought I would go up and quietly ask him not to coach my son. Secondly I thought I would use a positive approach and encourage him to sign up to be an official coach next year. Then I believe it was God who put the next thought in my mind...pray for him. What! I am angry with him....and you want me to pray for him. So I began to pray silently. I prayed that he knew this great man named Jesus. I prayed that he would be the husband and father that God wants him to be. I prayed that God would calm his heart and that he would begin to encourge the boys.
Things soon changed...he began to go up to the players on the bench and offer high fives and that-a-boys. My heart changed as well. I was no longer upset...I was encouraged. I am not even sure of what the score was...I just know that today was a big win in another way.
Every time I go to the game I am so distracted by him. He yells at his son, becomes obviously frustrated and really upsets me when he begins to yell at the other players. Sometimes it is negative and sometimes positive.
Today's game was no different. He began pacing the sidelines and I was thinking about a strategy on how to approach him. First I thought I would go up and quietly ask him not to coach my son. Secondly I thought I would use a positive approach and encourage him to sign up to be an official coach next year. Then I believe it was God who put the next thought in my mind...pray for him. What! I am angry with him....and you want me to pray for him. So I began to pray silently. I prayed that he knew this great man named Jesus. I prayed that he would be the husband and father that God wants him to be. I prayed that God would calm his heart and that he would begin to encourge the boys.
Things soon changed...he began to go up to the players on the bench and offer high fives and that-a-boys. My heart changed as well. I was no longer upset...I was encouraged. I am not even sure of what the score was...I just know that today was a big win in another way.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The other day in church our Pastor told a story about a very special game. A team who was vey accustomed to winning was playing a team that had not experienced a great season. The parents on the winning team made a decision to do something very special...they decided to cheer for the team that was "losing." They began to cheer for them which took the team by surprise. In the end...they did not win...but they felt like winners. What a great testimony. It was no longer about the score on the scoreboard...but the attitude of the heart.
For some reason this story reminded me of my athletic experience. Let's begin by saying it was a very short season for me. My first attempt at sports was girls basketball in elementary school. I was so nervous and excited the first time I got the ball that I scored two points...for the other team. Okay so maybe basketball wasn't my sport. The other team loved me though. I then moved on to cheerleading. There is one very important thing a cheerleader needs to know...rules of the game. I was a cheerleader for basketball and soon realized no one on the squad knew the game. My dad would sit in the stands and tell us when to cheer "go defense" or "go offense." He would tell us when to cheer "score two points" or "rebound." One time he couldn't make it to the game and we were in big trouble.
That is such a beautiful example of a parent's role. We need to be our kid's biggest cheerleader. We need to sometimes sit in the stands and tell them which way to go and we need to be there when they feel like they have failed and scored a point for the other team.
For some reason this story reminded me of my athletic experience. Let's begin by saying it was a very short season for me. My first attempt at sports was girls basketball in elementary school. I was so nervous and excited the first time I got the ball that I scored two points...for the other team. Okay so maybe basketball wasn't my sport. The other team loved me though. I then moved on to cheerleading. There is one very important thing a cheerleader needs to know...rules of the game. I was a cheerleader for basketball and soon realized no one on the squad knew the game. My dad would sit in the stands and tell us when to cheer "go defense" or "go offense." He would tell us when to cheer "score two points" or "rebound." One time he couldn't make it to the game and we were in big trouble.
That is such a beautiful example of a parent's role. We need to be our kid's biggest cheerleader. We need to sometimes sit in the stands and tell them which way to go and we need to be there when they feel like they have failed and scored a point for the other team.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Red and yellow black and blue

This week I was teaching kindergarten. I was assigned the task of teaching kindergarten children why we celebrate Martin Luther King Day. We talked about how God loves matter the color of their skin. Remember the song:
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
We talked about the different skin colors of people and one little boy reminded me that God even loves the blue children.
I asked who was blue. He replied "you know when you are playing and you bump your leg and it turns blue...He loves them too."
Yes He does!!!
That is the thought that continues to go through my head. He is so good. He is so faithful!!
I have been wanting to get back into church ministry for sometime now. In the past 2 years...several opportunities presented themselves. I said no to a few and a few said no to me. Through this journey I began to question if there was a different direction He wanted for my life. I kept praying, speaking, following up on opportunites and yes...substitute teaching.
I recently took another chance and applied for a postion. Long story short...perfect timing (His timimg) great church, fun, friendly and creative staff, great leadership and ...a job offer.
Tomorrow...a new and exciting journey begins. I will be the Early Childhood Coordinator for Hudson Community Chapel.

This is a part-time position and works out perfectly with my family and speaking. I am soooooooo excited. Ideas are bouncing through my head and that energizes me.
I hope you are experiencing His faithfulness...His love...and His perfect timing.
I have been wanting to get back into church ministry for sometime now. In the past 2 years...several opportunities presented themselves. I said no to a few and a few said no to me. Through this journey I began to question if there was a different direction He wanted for my life. I kept praying, speaking, following up on opportunites and yes...substitute teaching.
I recently took another chance and applied for a postion. Long story short...perfect timing (His timimg) great church, fun, friendly and creative staff, great leadership and ...a job offer.
Tomorrow...a new and exciting journey begins. I will be the Early Childhood Coordinator for Hudson Community Chapel.

This is a part-time position and works out perfectly with my family and speaking. I am soooooooo excited. Ideas are bouncing through my head and that energizes me.
I hope you are experiencing His faithfulness...His love...and His perfect timing.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
I have been working on organizing a seminar for girls 4th-6th grade. It's called GIRL MATTERS...because girls matter. I picked the title because I am so saddened by the things that seem to "matter" to girls. Being popular, being skinny, being liked, being picked, etc. I can so remember what it was like to be a young girl struggling with the above issues. I can actually remember being a woman and stuggling with a few as well. What matters to me?
My relationship with Christ
My family
My friends
Being kind to a stranger
things that have eternal value
I am thinking about doing a series on my blog on "girl matters".
What matters to you ladies?
My relationship with Christ
My family
My friends
Being kind to a stranger
things that have eternal value
I am thinking about doing a series on my blog on "girl matters".
What matters to you ladies?
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