Saturday, October 14, 2006


I will try to post some pictures later...but I finished my first 5K. What was my time? Let's just say by the time I finished I am thankful that the finish line was still up. wasn't that bad...just not the time that I hoped for. I have to admit that for the first time...since I have been training...I walked. My coach, Ashley, was very reassuring and not to give up. I was a little overwhelmed at the beginning of the race. We had to walk a little bit before we even made it to the starting line. It was very crowded and hard at times to even find a place to run. I think I went out way to strong just trying to keep of with the mob.

Would I do it again? I am not sure. I enjoyed the training months much more than the race itself. I have to say that coming through the finish line was pretty cool. My family was cheering me on and I think I even passed a few people. In the beginning I tried to bribe a few runners if they would agree to come in behind me. HA HA. Half way through the race I even asked a policeman for directions to a short cut. It was a fun afternoon and I can now cross this off my list of things that I wanted to do in life. What's next? I'm not sure. I am always open so if you have any ideas...pass them on