Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Brad Paisley has a song I believe is called "Letter to Me." It's about a letter that he would write now to himself at seventeen if it were possible. In other words...what do I wish I knew at seventeen that I know now. I was thinking back to when I was seventeen and wondering what I wish I could tell that teenage girl. Here are some thoughts...some humorous...some not.

1) Your jeans are too tight and your hair is too high.
2) Never spend more time picking out your outfit then you do picking your friends
3) Embrace every moment with your grandmother...she won't live forever like you believe
4) relationships with boys and girls are not disposable
5) Your mom knows more then you think she does
6) going to an all girl's college won't be easy...and your freshman year homecoming date is going to do something really embarassing at the dance.
7) don't live your life one way on sunday and another way during the week
8) you will have a wonderful husband and 4 great children someday
9) being a Christ follower is better than following any group or anyone else
10) work a little harder in English

What would you like to write to yourself at seventeen?

Saturday, April 26, 2008


I have started writing this entry several times. Each time I think I know what to say...I stop. I can't seem to find the words to express how excited I am about an opportunity that God has brought my way. I am going to be part of a speaking team with some wonderful, incredible, Godly women. Head over to www.speakingthrume.com and check it out for yourself. I am overwhelmed with God's blessing and overjoyed by the sisterhood of these wonderful women. I will share more as everything comes together. If your group or if you know anyone who is looking for a speaker, please pass this website on to them.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


My prayer this week has been that God give me this strong desire for emersing myself in His word. God is so creative!!! I have been exposed to 4 days of great teaching.

One of the advantages of subbing in 2 Christian schools is the opportunity to be part of staff devotions and chapels.

Monday/Tuesday - Staff devotions consisted of two great sessions on prayer. This question was asked of us "If we truly understand spiritual warfare how would it effect the way we pray?" I never truly asked myself that. The example of Daniel was used. Daniel prayed to God and it took 3 weeks for the answer. Why? Could it have been the battle that was taking place...hmm.

Wednesday - I heard a wonderful chapel presentation on heaven. It was truly an
"Oh yeah" moment. He gave a wonderful visual of how our life now compares to our eternal life in heaven. We are not to hold on to this life so tight...it is so temporary. Our life now compared to our eternal life is like pouring a cup of coffee into the ocean. Our life on earth is the coffee and the ocean is eternity. It made me realize eternity is so hard to grasp. Eternity in heaven will be great but there is also eternity in hell. We should be so zealous to reach the lost.

Wednesday night - I attended a women's Bible study. I almost didn't go. I thought about staying home and cleaning. What...that is crazy...the dirt can wait. We studied Deborah. I love learning about women in the Bible...especially Old Testament Women. She was a strong leader.

Thursay - I attended a chapel service based on Isaiah 55. Another great teaching. The speaker called it "The Great Invitatin."

I can hardly wait to see what I learn tomorrow.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


There is a book titled "Everything I needed to know I learned in kindergarten." I've never read the book so I am not sure what it is about. I don't know why this book crossed my mind the other day but as I was thinking about it I took it one step further. Everything I learned about following Christ I learned from a kindergarten class.

See what I mean:

Evangelism/Servant- I love it when I am teaching kindergartners and I ask for volunteers. All 22 hands will go up even before they know what the task is. It reminds me of what Isaiah said to God when God needed someone to "send" . Isaiah said "send me" They are quick to volunteer and serve. They find joy in the simplest of tasks.

God's Love - The other day a child began to cry in class. When I asked him why he told me that he was missing his mom. I told him that I was a mom and would he feel better if I gave him a "mom hug." This turned into 21 other children missing their moms and all in need of a hug. One child began to cry because he missed his cousin. I explained to them that it had to stop and we we're not going to focus on all of the people (dogs, grandmoms, aunts, neighbors...) that they were suddenly missing. We all feel lonely at times. Sometimes all we need is someone to come alongside us and reach out to us. God calls us to reach out to those who are in need and hurting.

Forgiveness: On a daily basis a kindergarten teacher will hear "he won't share...he won't play with me...etc. They will have their spats...get over it and return to playing with that child. They are quick to forgive and forget. Kindergarteners don't hold grudges.

Teaching/Wisdom: The other day I was doing a puzzle with a few kindergarteners. I thought I knew for sure where a piece went but I was quickly corrected by a 5 year old. I said "how about that...you are smarter then the teacher." "Yep" he replied...even though you've been on this earth a lot longer...I am smarter." Age doesn't always make us smarter. No matter what age we are, we can learn from those who are younger.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

POST 150 - Girl's Conference

Yes...this is post #150 on my blog.

I want to share about the girl's conference that I spoke at last weekend. It was amazing. My mom and I were driving to the conference (at 7:00 am in the morning) and we were concerned about the weather report. They were reporting high water in the direction of the conference. I joked to my mom that we would be there "come Hell of high water." Well the high water never came but it seemed like Satan was trying to stop us. On the way I realized that I left my computer and media. So I had to have Wally come and meet my and bring it to me. My mom lost her debit card when we stopped to get gas. (we found it). We were almost to the event and had to be detoured "around the mountain". This delayed our arrival but we finally made it.

It was a great morning. The attendance was low but the girl's were amazing and so honest. We talked alot about the pressures that they face today and intertwined the story of Esther and Queen Vashti. I often feel that Queen Vashti is overlooked when people speak on Esther. Queen Vashti modeled a woman of high morals when she said no to the King. She represents the sacriice that we have to make sometimes when we say "no" to the world.

We had a panel discussion with the girls. Pray for them. Many of them are going through trials and pressures that many of us have faced before. I had a chance to speak to the moms and women of the church. This was so much fun! They were also very honest and blessed me in many ways. I am so thankful that this church has agreed to stand in the gap for the girls. They truly represent what God has called women to be in His Word. I loved the weekend. It was great to "come home to West Virginia." It was the first time that I had ever spoke in my home state. We are already talking about next year.

Monday, April 07, 2008


I spent most of Thursday preparing for a speaking engagement between classes. I was asked to travel to Crum, West Virginia to speak at a girl's retreat on self image, modesty and purity. I was walking down the hall of the school where I was teaching that day and I felt a "draft" in the back. I went to the restroom and realized that my skirt's slit had become a little larger. Here I am preparing to teach young girl's the importance of selecting modest clothing and my outfit did not fit the parameters. What could I do? I was too far away from home to change and did not have time to find a new skirt. I had an idea. I went to the secretary and asked if I could borrow her stapler. I then proceeded to the bathroom and stapled my slit. I had to do this twice that day...but a lesson was learned. No matter what our age, we are not immuned to making mistakes with our dress. The skirt will not be given away. Why would I want to pass it on to someone else when I don't feel it is a modest piece of clothing? It will be thrown away and replaced. I love to shop!!!