Friday, December 19, 2014

Stop The Madness...Start The Worship

Some days I serve the shelter...other days the shelter serves me. You see part of my job is organizing Christmas for the clients. It is fun to see how generous our donors are and how excited the children become as the big day nears. It can also be draining when I see tons of presents that need to be bought, wrapped and returned. My mind then goes to the elves that need to be organized for Christmas morning, the shelter meals that need to be planned and much, much more.

In December, as I ran around frantically searching for missing presents and stressing that we had overlooked a family, I suddenly heard three words that stopped me in my tracks:

"Stop Momma...look!"

One of the 25 children that currently lived at the shelter was asking his mom to stop and see what he had done. His voice was loud enough for me to hear through a closed door. That told me that she was not "in the moment" and needed a louder reminder. This caused me to stop and realize that this is what God was saying to me.

"Stop Joy...look!"

Look and see what I have done! - God
Look and see that I have been born! - God
Look and see what this season is about! - God

Just like that mom, God had to remind me that I needed to stop. I needed to stop the madness of preparations and start the Worship!

How about you? Did the preparations get the best of you? If so...would you do something today? Sit down with your children and ask them what their favorite Christmas memory. I did and I was surprised with the answers.

It wasn't a gift.

It wasn't the homemade cookies.

It wasn't the picture perfect, Norman Rockwell Christmas card.

It wasn't the meal.

It was the moments.

Take a moment and STOP...and look! You may be surprised in what you have been missing.