Monday, August 22, 2005


For those of you who know me well, know that I like to have fun. I even try to make some of the most miserable tasks fun. For example, everytime I go for a mammogram...I make sure that I have something to look forward to afterwards. It may be buying a fun drink at a coffeehouse or maybe shopping for a new outfit. The last is my favorite and while I am being smushed in the mammogram machine (really) I am thinking about my shopping excursion. I wouldn't recommend bra never come out the same size you went in. (I don't mean to scare those of you who have yet to have this done) Patsy Clarimont nailed it when she said that a mammogram machine is the only machine that can turn a cup into a saucer. (ha ha)

This thought of always wanting to have fun came to me yesterday at church. I am the Children's Director at our church and one of my responsibilities is to make sure children go to the classes they are suppose to be in. Yesterday, I gave the second hour teachers the day off. One little boy came down for class and I had to inform him and his mother that class was cancelled. The little boy shouted "Hallelujah" and I don't think he meant it in a spirtual way. He was thrilled that he didn't have to go to Sunday School. It made me think...why did he prefer to go and sit in a service with adults versus playing games and having a good time with other children. The key words in that thought is "good time". I contemplated if it was my responsibility that children have a good time or is it my responsibility to make sure they are learning Biblical truths whether they like it or not. I came to this conclusion. My responsibility is to make sure that children are learning Biblical truths in ways that are relevant and yes "fun" for them. I know that Sunday School shouldn't be an extension of the same school that they attend 5 days a week. I know that I am working with children who are use to video games, television and other forms of media and I need to make sure that they can see that being a Christian is fun.

I know that I have a long way to go and I need to continually learn new and find creative ways to teach children. I hope some day that the little "hallelujah" boy will someday run to church...not away from church.

1 comment:

Angie Marino Smith said...

Joy, I love your humor in just about crack me up!