Sunday, January 22, 2006

I live in a Bubble!!

I realized last weekend, that I live in a Holy bubble. I work at a church, all of my close friends go to my church, my children go to Christian Schools. I take classes in religion. I am sure if there was an all Christian Grocery store I would shop there. (ha ha)

I spoke last week on the woman at the well and how Christ broke tradition and met her at this well. He a man, a jewish leader spoke to a Samaritan woman with a scandalous past.

I named her the "original desparate housewife".

Christ went to them.

I asked God to bring unchurched people in my path, but then I later realized that sometimes I have to choose that path.

I joined a weight loss group the other night and the first lady who sat down beside me started a conversation.

This lead to "where do you work". I replied "a church". I later thought that was possibly an opening to a future spiritual conversation.

Wouldn't it be great if I furthered God's kingdom and lost weight at the same time. I love multi-tasking.

The next day I intentionally went and sat at Austin's soccer practice instead of dropping him off and coming back later.

I had the chance to get to know two women on his team.

Not a spiritual conversation...but the beginnings of a relationship.

So...I am officially coming out of my bubble...Boom...that was the sound of me bursting my holy bubble.

I will keep you posted on what God does next. I can hardly wait.


Angie Marino Smith said...

How exciting Joy! I will be praying for you as you are floating away from your bubble...

relauncher said...

Sweet - you would really like the stuff that Donald Miller writes about. He has the same flavor of wanting to intentionally seek out relationships with people who are not like him. :)