Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I am currently in Charleston helping my family clean my grandmother's house. It has been quite an adventure. Each time I sort through a drawer or a closet, it's like looking into her life. We have found pictures of past homes and of family members that have passed away. We have discovered glasses from a restaurant she once owned and beautiful vases hidden under debris. I am excited about a trip that we are going to take to her family's graveyard. She chose not to be buried there, but her parents and grandparents are there. I am told you have to hike to the sight and pray that you don't meet a snake or two. I am also exicted about what Ashley is helping me and my best friend Sandi do. She is training us to run a 5k in October. The Bible says that all things are possible with God. I also want to leave you on a humorous note. We were driving through Twinsburg the other day and I pointed out to my son Alex that the local fortune teller had went out of business. He replied..."Looks like she didn't see that coming."

1 comment:

Angie Marino Smith said...

Ha ha ha! He must have his mother's sense of humor!!! I actually belly laughed with that one! Anyway, you will be surprised on how your body adjusts to running(I used to hate it before I was training for my race)now I run at least 3 miles a day! You can do it Joy!!!!!!You can do ALL things thru Christ who strenghthens you!