Monday, August 03, 2009


I wrote today on facebook that I truly know how it feels to "praise Him in the storm." This experience with dad is not an experience that I would want anyone to go through...but I hope everyone is allowed to see God work like we have. As I type...I am in dad's room. He is sleeping so peacefully. He is off the ventilator and breathing smoothly. He is not fidgeting. He has great color to him. I can't believe he has come so far in 4 days. I will admit that there was a time when it did not look good for him. I am convinced that it is all because of prayer. Prayer is something that is hard to understand. I am not sure how it works...but that's okay...I just know it does and that's enough for me. It has taught me not to wait on the big crisis in life to pray. I know that God wants me to pray about everything. He even tells us to pray without ceasing.

I have such peace today. This makes me want to shout from the rooftops that "JESUS CHRIST IS LORD."

Yesterday as I was getting ready for church...I was listening to Chris Tomlin sing "How Great Is Our God." I just raised my hands in praise. I actually stood on my tip toes just wanting to get as close to heaven as I could. I actually wanted to touch the robe of Jesus. I know that there is no way you can reach heaven on earth...but I know that I am connected to the one who awaits me.


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