Saturday, October 01, 2005


Last Thursday we lost power from 4:00 pm to 1:00 am the next morning. Our childen thought this was really cool as the sun set and we had to light candles and do homework by flashlight.

It was amazing how calm and quiet everything became the longer the lights stayed off.

By 8:30, we were all in bed but no one was really tired. Our youngest son Alex thought it might be a good idea if we went to a red cross shelter for the night. I think he has been watching too many news reports on Hurricane Katrina.

The boys crawled in bed with me so I thought we should take advantage of the time and just talk.

I made them each take turns saying something encouraging to each other.

Once they stopped accusing each other of "smelling like cheese" (where does this come from?), they encouraged each other.

What a beautiful moment!!!

The even paid me a compliment and told me that "I was purdy".

They'll remember this night as the night they did homework by candles...I'll remember the night as the night they told me I was "purdy".

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