Sunday, September 18, 2005

No Child is perfect...Not even the Children's Director's Child

A funny thing happened today. All of the children were ready for church and as I was sending them to the car I noticed that my oldest son was wearing a shirt that said


This was a gift from someone and we have allowed him to sleep in the shirt. I immediately made him run up and change and it was worth me being a little late for church.

On the way to church I realized 2 things. If I wouldn't let him wear the shirt to church...why would I let him wear it at all.. .even to bed.

I do feel pressure sometimes to make sure that my children are examples of what our ministry represents...but I also have to realize that I struggle just like every other parent. I realized that I am making parenting mistakes just like everyone else.

I also realized that this was also a teachable moment for both of us.

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