Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Reconnected With Friends

Our Christmas card search has paid off and I have heard from another long lost friend. You may remember that Wally and I decided to try and find some military friends that we had lost contact with this year. We searched the internet and found an address and mailed cards and christmas letter. I was so excited when I received an email from my friend Robin. We were neighbors in Colorado. Robin's husband was in the army so we had alot in common. I believe that we had a relationship that is very typical of military wives. We bonded immediately and felt connected as military wives. She is one of the few people who knows what a bx stands for...what it means to receive a pcs and can definately understand the importance of "your sponsor's I.D. Number. We had children similar ages and spent many hours in each other's yards. We took decorating classes together, shopped gap sales together and more importantly volunteered as Young Life leaders together. The last time I saw her was when Alex was just a baby. We visited them when we were on vacation and they were stationed in South Carolina. We have promised each other not to lose contact again. She now lives in Pennsylvania. We are still hoping to here from one more family.

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