Monday, June 30, 2008


I love to write and I think I inherited this from my dad. I have been cleaning our basement and I came across this poem that he had written when his mother died. The same time she died...Ally was born.


What are they seeing when in their sleep they smile,
the dying Christian and the newborn child?
The one just arrived, the other soon to leave.
With the one we're happy, the other we grieve.

But wait, they're both smiling, what can it mean.
The pleasant, peaceful looked they have as they dream.
Is it God they see and he's saying don't despair.
"I love you both and you're both in my care."

We've watched our babies smile this way.
And now mom, grandma smiled today.
So now we know why there is this smile,
on the face of the Christian and the newborn child.

And we're happy for both the Christian and the child.
For God loves them both and on both HE has smiled.

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