Monday, November 03, 2008


There is not a word to express how tired I am. We just finished the outreach that our church does every october. Our entire family was involved. Last night my team counted and we acted our scene 99 times. Literally 99 times. Our scene was very emotional. In this husband in life and in the drama dies. We have to be very emotional. My the 90th take...I was literally justing saying my lines. There was no emotion left in me.

It was a great event and lots of great stories have been told. We had 4000 people attend and way over 400 people gave their life to Christ.

I had so many great things happen last week as I subbed at three different school.

That will have to come later...I am too tired...

I am grateful for one thing today...I voted early and won't have to worry about lines tomorrow.


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