Saturday, January 17, 2009


Today has been a great day. I am beginning to get caught up on household duties and had a chance to go and watch Alex play basketball. Sometimes this isn't always a pleasant experience. Why? Wally and another gentleman do a GREAT job coaching...but there seems to be a father who believes he needs to coach from the sidelines. We have all seen this type of parent. In fact one of the leagues actually sends home a contract that parents have to sign regarding this exact situation.

Every time I go to the game I am so distracted by him. He yells at his son, becomes obviously frustrated and really upsets me when he begins to yell at the other players. Sometimes it is negative and sometimes positive.

Today's game was no different. He began pacing the sidelines and I was thinking about a strategy on how to approach him. First I thought I would go up and quietly ask him not to coach my son. Secondly I thought I would use a positive approach and encourage him to sign up to be an official coach next year. Then I believe it was God who put the next thought in my mind...pray for him. What! I am angry with him....and you want me to pray for him. So I began to pray silently. I prayed that he knew this great man named Jesus. I prayed that he would be the husband and father that God wants him to be. I prayed that God would calm his heart and that he would begin to encourge the boys.

Things soon changed...he began to go up to the players on the bench and offer high fives and that-a-boys. My heart changed as well. I was no longer upset...I was encouraged. I am not even sure of what the score was...I just know that today was a big win in another way.


1 comment:

Karen Hossink said...

Way to go!
And what an awesome thing to witness. See what happens when HE speaks, and we obey?