Thursday, January 29, 2009


I love to write and the Lord placed an idea on my heart. It's called "Juicebox and Jesus" - devos for young moms. So here is #1.


It's amazing how things have changed since my childen were small. The strollers are more stylish, the diaper bags look like designer purses and even the bottles are more sleek and stylish. But one thing stays the same...the juicebox. In every young mother's purse between her wallet and extra bib is a juicebox. It seems that every young preschooler can get an unquenchable thirst anyplace and anytime. To avoid a public tantrum and possible dehydration, moms are always prepared with the all important juicebox and miniature straw. It contains just the right amount to soothe their precious thirst. What quenches your thirst? Not your physical thirst...but your spiritual thirst? When Jesus encountered the woman at the well he promised her "living water." He promised her something (Him)that would quench her thirst forever. If I am truly thirsty...a little juicebox will not quench my adult thirst. It may provide temporary relief ...but I will be thirsty again. I want to experience what Jesus offered the Samaritan women...I don't want a small little portion of Him...I want all of Him. To receive that...I need to give Him all of me. So moms tomorrow when you are preparing for your day...don't forget your juicebox and your Jesus.

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