Friday, July 21, 2006


Yesterday began with a phone call from my neighbor that went something like this:

Hello Joy...this is your neighbor...I bet you never want to see me again.

My mom defenses immediately dropped. I was so impressed with her deep concern for what happened to Austin. She wasn't home when it happened and wanted to immediately come next door and see his tooth.

She came over and felt terrible. I told her I wasn't upset with her at all...just the situation.

She was so afraid that I wouldn't want to speak to her again. We talked and laughed about how our friendship and the fact that we were neighbors was much more important than a chipped tooth. She offered to do anything to help with the situation.

As she left she thanked me for my attitude and told me she loved me. I told her I loved her too. What a beautiful moment...I am sure violins were playing somewhere.

I am so grateful how the Lord worked this situation out and how she actually ministered to me.

It was a beautiful example of our wonderful God working things out. I love it when ministry happens beyond the walls of a church.

Side note - we went to the dentist and he can fix the tooth in 3 weeks when Austin's mouth had healed. It will be a minimal cost thanks to great Dental care from Wally's job.

We're off to a weekend of camping with our care group. Pray that we have no incidents and everyone comes home with all their teeth.

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