Thursday, September 07, 2006


Here is a quick snapshot of my afternoon/evening.

4:30 Ally's football game
6:15 Austin's soccer practice
6:30 Alex's cub scout meeting
7:00 Austin's band meeting
7:30 Pick up Austin at practice
8:00 homework
8:30 baths and bedtime

It may look like an exhausting schedule...but I found joy in the midst of chaos. I realized that I am thankful to have healthy children who can participate in activities. Not every evening is like this. We strive to truly find balance in their activities. I'm just glad that gas prices are down.

On a humorous note:

Last night our family left church and got into our car to leave. Thankfully I realized that we were one child short. I went back into the church to find Alex crying. Yes, we had forgot one child. I asked him if he had asked anyone for help. Actually, I was wondering how many people knew that I had left my child.
All is well and Alex benefited from his trauma with a special treat.

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