Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Do you remember singing that song as a child? My God is so big! I do...and last night...as an adult...I was reminded of that song. Last night our speaking team (Speaking Thru Me Ministries) had a conference call with Compassion International. We heard about how this wonderful organization began from the heart of one man. We learned how thousands and thousaands of children have been ministered to in the name of Jesus. Could it be that the creator of the universe would allow us to be part of this? It's hard to fathom that in some small way...we could help a child who lives across the world. A child who desires the things that we take for granted. A child who desires food, shoes for their feet and yes...Jesus. If that child were sitting here beside me now I could offer him or her a meal. I could personally give them a pair of shoes. I could offer them a warm bed. I can't be there in person...but I can still make a difference. I am so excited to begin speaking for compassion. I am so excited to begin sponsoring a child. Won't you join me?

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