Saturday, February 21, 2009


My job requires that I do alot of recruiting. I am accustomed to hearing many many reasons why someone cannot volunteer. The other day I spoke with a mom and I truly appreciated her response. She desired to serve and wanted to be protective of time with her family. That was so refreshing to hear. How could I argue with someone who has her priorties in order. This darling woman serves with boundaries. She realizes that God has called her to serve...but not to serve everywhere! We can all serve in some one I believe is excused from service. In fact the Bible speaks of how the "son of God came to serve and not be served." She was not trying to be "Wonder Woman." We all have met her before. The women who can
"bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan..."(you know how the rest of the song goes.) Are you trying to do it all and to have it all? Guess what? It can't be done!!!

As a wife, mother, friend, etc it is important to set boundaries. It is important to prioritize our lives and to always make Christ the center of all that we do. There are alot of great things out there but nothing is as important as our relationship with Him. I stopped trying to be Wonder Woman along time ago. It was exhausting and let's face it...the costume is not attractive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Joy you make me LOL, I was wonder woman one year for Halloween. Thank you for reminding us to set limits, well some of us learn the "heart" way!