Friday, July 11, 2014

Choose Joy: Session 1

Everyone just wants to be happy…right? We all desire to be that kind of woman that wakes up each morning, throws caution to the wind, jumps out of bed and stares fear in the face. In reality, many of us are just content to put one foot in front of the other and just get through the day. Kay Warren, in her book, “Choose Joy” takes us on the spiritual journey of finding “joy” in the midst of all things. What a pleasure it is to take this journey with thirty other women. It is my desire to use my blog to recap each session and provide a forum for discussion. Whether you are in the study or not, come along with us as we discover the true joy that only comes through Jesus Christ. Session 1: (Chapter 1) Kay does us a great favor by sharing her definition of joy: JOY IS THE SETTLED ASSURANCE THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL OF ALL THE DETAILS OF MY LIFE, THE QUIET CONFIDENCE THAT ULTIMATELY EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT, AND THE DETERMINED CHOICE TO PRAISE GOD IN ALL THINGS! What seems simple and understandable, can also be difficult and unattainable. As we dissect the definition above, there are certain words that stand out and penetrate the heart. Is it really possible to have a “settled assurance” and never doubt the sovereignty of God? Yes it is!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only is it possible, it is promised to us in the Bible. God never breaks a promise. Our human minds cannot easily grasp that in Kay’s definition, and the scriptures, we are reminded that “joy” is a choice. It can’t be held hostage by fear and worry. It can’t be influenced by others or circumstances. We can choose to be joyful and we don’t have to go through it alone. So how do we demonstrate joy? We can be … A Woman of JOY through our ATTITUDE – We can’t change what happens, but we can control how we react to various situations. A Woman of Joy through our WORDS – Words are lasting! Good or bad, your words will linger in someone’s heart! A Woman of Joy through our ACTIONS – Jesus was a servant! As you are making a difference for others, your heart will be flooded with great joy! In closing, Kay reminds us that life is like a set of train tracks. In our life, there is always sadness and happiness. In the midst of trials, there are also blessings. In the midst of trouble, there is also peace. We can’t let our insecurities and Satan cause us to focus on the one track. Life is not a mono rail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The journey continues…. Clinging to His love…. Joy

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