Friday, July 11, 2014

When God Writes Your Love Story – Part One

Have you ever been astounded by God’s goodness? I have been many times with the latest being the engagement of Ashley and Tom. Their love story is a story with many layers. The first and most important being the faithfulness of God. Grab a tissue…and let me begin with…the bracelet. It was 2008 and Ashley was preparing to graduate from college. It seemed that along with the excitement of graduation were many stories of engagements, weddings and other new beginnings. I remember having several talks with Ash as she began to doubt if this would be in God’s plan for her. I tried to reassure her the best that I could with cliches and encouragement, but I could tell that she was desiring this for herself. In the midst of this…her faith never waivered. As I prayed to God about this, He reminded me of who He is. That He is a God that keeps His promises. He hadn’t promised Ashley an engagement, but He had promised her that He had a plan. The burdened that I carried for Ashley was one that I knew I had to give to the Lord. I committed to praying fervently for Ashley’s future husband. It wasn’t long until I let the busyness of life interfere and my prayers became few and far between. What do you do when you forget to pray? Well…for me…I knew that I needed something to remind me…but what would that look like? Here is what it looked like: I love jewelry. I especially enjoy dangling bracelets. I was shopping at a flea market one day when I saw the perfect bracelet. It was silver, had a dangling heart and the following quote: “Children are a a gift from God to hold and to treasure, to pray for without measure.” The heart that dangles from the bracelet reads: “Mother’s Prayer” I faithfully wore this bracelet. When I would hear the jingle of the charm, it would remind me to pray. I often dreamed of the day that I could hand this bracelet over to the one that God sent to Ashley. That will be a realization…on March 16, 2013…when I can remove the bracelet and give it to Tom Carpenter…my future son-in-law!

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